Date: 6/25/2007 8:22:35 AM
Your friendly neighborhood surname office is ready to accept requests for new names and name changes! In addition to the existing options, you may now ASK the clerk to CREATE a name if you don't already have one, or CHANGE your name to something new.
Q: What's this Lord/Lady jazz?
A: Characters who are creating a new name or changing to an unregistered name must be at least level 20. Characters under level 20 can still take on a name being shared by the leader of a group, or take on their spouse's name.
Q: Will I need money for this?
A: Creating a surname is FREE of charge. Changing a surname will cost 50,000 silvers to Basic subscribers, and 5,000 silvers to Premium subscribers. Registration will still cost 100,000 to Basic and 10,000 to Premium.
Q: I just created a really foul-mouthed name and the clerk let me do it. You have to let me keep it, right?
A: Remember that POLICY 6 still applies to both characters' first names and surnames, and GMs will be monitoring names coming out of this system. You may be asked, or forced, to change your name at any time.
Q: I just saw somebody with a really foul-mouthed name! How can I tattle on them right away?
A: Please DO NOT use BADNAME to alert staff to inappropriate surnames . BADNAME should be used for characters' first names only. Instead, you may REPORT names that very clearly violate our naming standards policy. (Note that whimsically silly names that do not comport with your unquestionably awesome taste are not necessarily in gross violation.)
Q: I like my last name, but I wish I could change the capitalization.
A: When creating or changing a name, make sure to type it EXACTLY as you wish it to appear. The system is somewhat flexible with regard to mixed capitalization, so that if for example you wished to change "Davinci" to "daVinci", you may do so. Registered names consider all capitalized forms of the name to be the same, so such a change would not require you to re-register, and a registration of "daVinci" prohibits anyone else from choosing "Davinci".
Q: Punctuation?
A: Limited use of apostrophes and hyphens is permitted. However, don't go overboard or the clerk will deem your name gibberish.
Q: Where do I go to take advantage of these fine services?
A: Surname offices may be found at:
Wehnimer's Landing: Moot Hall, Upstairs Corridor - a wide archway
Icemule Trace: Clovertooth Hall, Clerks Suite - an arched oaken door
Solhaven: North Market Pier - a salt-stained shack
River's Rest: River Road - a small wooden cottage
Teras Isle: Golvern and Dragonstail - a dark cave
Zul Logoth: Crystalline Cavern - a rusty metal door
Ta'Illistim: BriarStone Keep - a small stone cottage
Ta'Vaalor: Wyvern Keep, Lobby - a glass-paned door
Cysaegir: Copse - a low stone gate
Four Winds Isle: Honeysuckle Avenue - a green-shuttered cottage
Q: Awesome!
A: Word.
4WI Teleporter changes
Date: 6/23/2007 9:47:39 PM
Anyways, we know that sometimes you make changes to your account, adding Premium, other characters, etc., and sometimes, you remove Premium, or go on vacation or hiatus (boo!)...
Pesky though, when you leave on Mist Harbor, and you come back, you are kinda, like...stuck there unless someone helps you.
However, I rolled in some code updates this evening that if that happens, just TURN your item, and it will send you back to whence you came AND clean out your 4 winds bank account.
I also added some blocks for premium trial accounts for the upcoming festival for the Platinum promotion (this doesn't effect Platinum) so they don't work unless you have a paid premium account, cleaned up a few things, fixed some messaging snafus like someone appearing for no reason, and also Varluv's changes went in as well for his project.
This is probably the first of a bunch of annoucements in the upcoming weeks.
~Khaladon, SGM
All your cookies are belong to us.
This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 6/23/2007 9:47:39 PM
Anyways, we know that sometimes you make changes to your account, adding Premium, other characters, etc., and sometimes, you remove Premium, or go on vacation or hiatus (boo!)...
Pesky though, when you leave on Mist Harbor, and you come back, you are kinda, like...stuck there unless someone helps you.
However, I rolled in some code updates this evening that if that happens, just TURN your item, and it will send you back to whence you came AND clean out your 4 winds bank account.
I also added some blocks for premium trial accounts for the upcoming festival for the Platinum promotion (this doesn't effect Platinum) so they don't work unless you have a paid premium account, cleaned up a few things, fixed some messaging snafus like someone appearing for no reason, and also Varluv's changes went in as well for his project.
This is probably the first of a bunch of annoucements in the upcoming weeks.
~Khaladon, SGM
All your cookies are belong to us.
This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Spotlight on Staff!
Date: 6/20/2007 4:09:43 PM
A long time ago in an Elanthia far, far away, I created a little section on our website to allow those of you who cannot attend a convention or gathering to be able to "get to know" the REAL people behind the GMs that you already know and love.
This section of the DR site has been very popular ever since we started this and I am very happy to unveil the GemStone IV version today. Normal Spotlight updates focus on 2 GMs at a time, but I thought that for the Grand Opening, I'd turn up the house lights and focus on The Big Boss Lady Kitrina and the truly amazing SGM staff that you guys have.
So, without anymore fanfare, you can check out the new page here:
(For future reference, you'll also see that there's a direct link on the GSIV Home Page under "Community".)
We'll try to update these every month or so.
"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."
Date: 6/20/2007 4:09:43 PM
A long time ago in an Elanthia far, far away, I created a little section on our website to allow those of you who cannot attend a convention or gathering to be able to "get to know" the REAL people behind the GMs that you already know and love.
This section of the DR site has been very popular ever since we started this and I am very happy to unveil the GemStone IV version today. Normal Spotlight updates focus on 2 GMs at a time, but I thought that for the Grand Opening, I'd turn up the house lights and focus on The Big Boss Lady Kitrina and the truly amazing SGM staff that you guys have.
So, without anymore fanfare, you can check out the new page here:
(For future reference, you'll also see that there's a direct link on the GSIV Home Page under "Community".)
We'll try to update these every month or so.
"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."
Creature and Disintegrate Updates
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 6/18/2007 2:15:45 PM
An update to the combat system has given us more flexibility in making creatures immune to critical kills. As a part of this update, golem-like creatures have inherited this ability. In exchange for this immunity, their total hit points have been reduced by 20%.
In addition, it was discovered that disintegration criticals (from sources such as the Disintegrate (705) spell or weapon flares) were incorrectly killing non-corporeal undead, which are intended to be immune to critical kills. This is no longer possible, though these creatures will be susceptible to critical kills when Phased (704).
GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
Vote for GemStone IV (once every twelve hours):
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Developer's Corner -- Hunting & Combat. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 6/18/2007 2:15:45 PM
An update to the combat system has given us more flexibility in making creatures immune to critical kills. As a part of this update, golem-like creatures have inherited this ability. In exchange for this immunity, their total hit points have been reduced by 20%.
In addition, it was discovered that disintegration criticals (from sources such as the Disintegrate (705) spell or weapon flares) were incorrectly killing non-corporeal undead, which are intended to be immune to critical kills. This is no longer possible, though these creatures will be susceptible to critical kills when Phased (704).
GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
Vote for GemStone IV (once every twelve hours):
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Developer's Corner -- Hunting & Combat. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 6/15/2007 4:05:22 PM
GemStone Platinum offers a more in-depth environment due to its amazing community, and once you wander in, it's hard to ever wander out. They will hook you in, and keep you coming back. To sign up for a free 90-day trial, head over to
Double points, merchants, events, storylines, death, destruction, fun. Hug your favorite sorcerer, ask for spells with no idea what you will receive, be taxed for no reason. All part of GemStone Platinum.
Try it today!
~Khaladon, SGM
All your cookies are belong to us.
Date: 6/15/2007 4:05:22 PM
GemStone Platinum offers a more in-depth environment due to its amazing community, and once you wander in, it's hard to ever wander out. They will hook you in, and keep you coming back. To sign up for a free 90-day trial, head over to
Double points, merchants, events, storylines, death, destruction, fun. Hug your favorite sorcerer, ask for spells with no idea what you will receive, be taxed for no reason. All part of GemStone Platinum.
Try it today!
~Khaladon, SGM
All your cookies are belong to us.
Well of Life (308) Update
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 6/11/2007 6:33:48 PM
Previously, when a Cleric cast Well of Life on either a live or dead target, they would receive an identical cooldown effect. The cooldowns have now been separated so now linking to corpses has no effect on the Cleric's ability to use Well of Life to transfer spirit and vice versa.
Additionally, the duration of the cooldown from transferring spirit used to rely heavily on a random component. This has been removed. The Well of Life cooldown for live targets is now solely based on the amount of spirit transferred.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 6/11/2007 6:33:48 PM
Previously, when a Cleric cast Well of Life on either a live or dead target, they would receive an identical cooldown effect. The cooldowns have now been separated so now linking to corpses has no effect on the Cleric's ability to use Well of Life to transfer spirit and vice versa.
Additionally, the duration of the cooldown from transferring spirit used to rely heavily on a random component. This has been removed. The Well of Life cooldown for live targets is now solely based on the amount of spirit transferred.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Blackjack in Veythorne Manor
Author: GS4-ALYIAS
Date: 6/3/2007 3:02:38 PM
The Blackjack system has received a hefty overhaul, and those pesky dealers that insisted they won when they didn't (or refused to pay you your winnings either way) have been fired, dismembered, and/or sent to a demonic realm. Happy betting!
This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Illistim. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 6/3/2007 3:02:38 PM
The Blackjack system has received a hefty overhaul, and those pesky dealers that insisted they won when they didn't (or refused to pay you your winnings either way) have been fired, dismembered, and/or sent to a demonic realm. Happy betting!
This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Illistim. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Lumnea Festival Symposium Reminder
Author: GS4-XAYLE
Date: 6/3/2007 8:01:31 AM
The deadline for this is tomorrow. So far, we have... entry.
Are there more people planning to enter that just haven't sent their entries in yet or are we just not interested?
~ X.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 6/3/2007 8:01:31 AM
The deadline for this is tomorrow. So far, we have... entry.
Are there more people planning to enter that just haven't sent their entries in yet or are we just not interested?
~ X.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.