A History of the Ferroniere

Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 7/22/2007 4:02:24 PM

A History of the Ferroniere

Excerpt from the dissertation "A Detailed History of Jewelry and Lapidary: How Cultural and Philosophical Mores Influenced Our Adornments" by the High Lady Auvyra Vonnalaiel, Second Daughter of House Vonnalaiel of Illistim, Master Jeweler.

Chapter 10: Ferronieres

With the exception of the Aelotoi and the Half-Krolvin, all Elanith's races have developed, at times independently, a version of a forehead-centered gem suspended from a chain, generically termed a ferroniere. Due to their other-planar enslavement, it is obvious why the aelotoi did not develop this jewelry. Half-Krolvin present a trickier situation, but one theory is that enslavement and isolation kept them from being exposed to what some believe to be the root cause for this jewelry style: the forehead gem.

Rare and elusive, forehead gems possess unusual properties that allow them to adhere without benefit of chains to the wearer's forehead. True forehead gems number in the scant hundreds and surface only rarely in society. There are documented sightings of forehead gems(footnote 1) thousands of years back, and some cultures attribute them supernatural powers and qualities. The mystique, therefore, yielded a desire. The desire yielded a product: ferronieres.

Generally speaking, any gem on a chain(footnote 2) designed to be held at the center forehead is a ferroniere, and the term's origins are lost to antiquity. Despite onerous research, no one has ever discovered exactly when the word "ferroniere" appeared, nor where the term itself originated. From the forehead gem-inspired ferroniere, however, we have some racially and culturally specific versions which we can delineate.

Whether inspired by the mystical forehead gems or by fashion, the myriad examples of chained forehead jewelry are fascinating. Many people, regardless of culture or race, will choose a ferroniere fashioned to their own choosing rather than be limited to the specific variations described below. Thus, a human is equally, if not more likely, to wear a ferroniere rather than a seer-stone, for example.

Racial and Cultural Variations (footnote 3)
Seer-Stone: In the Kannalan Empire, wandering bands of gypsies and other fortunetellers adapted the mystique of the forehead gem by chaining an oval-cut gem they called a seer-stone, meant to represent their "third eye of inner vision." The seer-stones were alleged to enhance precognition, but no verifiable powers have been recorded. Ladies in the Empire adopted the seers' jewelry which influenced any number of others, and the seer-stone has gone in and out of vogue with the humans ever since. Any oval-cut gem suspended length-wise upon a chain as if to form a third eye would be considered a human empire-styled seer-stone.

Geldaralad: High Lady Kysandriana Vonnalaiel is credited with the creation of the first elven ferroniere. Illistim nobility, she came in contact (footnote 4) with a traveling troupe of gypsies and thus with the seer-stone. Upon returning to Ta'Illistim, the lady commissioned her jeweler to make one. Her jeweler, one Zishryth Aielel, hailed from the courts of Ta'Nalfein where he crafted extraordinary jewelry for nobility(footnote 5). A master jeweler the likes of which are rarely seen, he presented her with a gift worthy of a queen, a rose-cut cerulean glimaerstone incised with a vaalin-filled star at its heart. The glimaerstone was suspended from a twisted vaalin chain inset with minute flecks of complementing violet feystone. He named it a geld-aradlaiel, literally meaning "seer-stone" but it was quickly shortened to geldaralad, "stone of truth." Kysandriana's geldaralad outshone all other jewelry at a solstice masque that year, and soon, all the ladies of the nations were clamoring for one. To be a true geldaralad, and not the generic ferroniere, the chain must be twisted vaalin, but beyond that minor limitation, variety abounds. Of course, fashion often takes precedence over tradition, so many elven women will prefer a ferroniere with their metal of preference.

Ferrigem: Burghal gnomes residing in the Elven Nations saw the geldaralad sweep like wildfire across the cities, and, being ever fond of gems, they tried to create their own version, termed the ferrigem. While obviously a conflation of "ferrioniere" and "gem," it is uncertain why the gnomes blended ferroniere instead of geldaralad. Original ferrigems were crafted from pilfered bits and pieces, so the metal links rarely matched, and the gems were always slivers and shards, creating a piecemeal chain and gem concoction. Most ferrigem chains had at least one or two gears or gadgets interwoven into the links for no apparent cause other than they were discarded bits of metal that could be used. Thus, per Burghal gnome tradition, inexplicable as it may be, a ferrigem must have mismatched metal links and at least one tiny metal gear or gadget somewhere in the chain or used as the gem setting. While the pieces of ferrigems rarely need to be stolen any more, it is tradition to at least make the ferrigem look as randomly piecemeal as its ancestor, and Burghal men take pride in presenting their loved one with a true ferrigem even to this day.

Aemikvai: Giantmen, most likely influenced by the seer-stone due to the ties of the Kannalan Empire, have the aemikvai, and males and females alike wear it. The chain can be of any metal, but preferred metals include mithril and the very rare rolaren. Chains are most often twisted into stylized knotwork patterns, but it is not a requirement of the aemikvai. Settings of the aemikvai are always of intricate knotwork, and the stone is carved with a Saramar rune. The rune is chosen as something meaningful to the wearer, although there is no specific rule as to how it is chosen; it is tradition, and all aemikvai have them. While particular gems, stones, and metals are not required under giantman tradition, some follow even more strict traditional and spiritual guidelines when creating their aemikvai, and they believe the stone and metal selected will enhance specific, personal energies. Thus, it is not unheard of for aemikvai not to be simply ornamental jewelry, but to some, an essential element of battle garb.

Khazurka: While dwarves do have a ferroniere they term a khazurka, it never became widely accepted or even acknowledged. Developed by a craftsman in the city of Mithrenek, where they are known for their abilities to work mithril, the khazurka always has a mithril chain and a carved gem. Since its invention, small groups of dwarven women have worn khazurka, but it has never been widespread. Still, it is distinctive from generic ferronieres in that it must be dwarven-crafted mithril chain and the gem must be cut in some way, often with great detail. One such example was found(footnote 6)wherein the large, round-cut gem was also incised with precise detail, showing a mithril hammer crushing a banshee's head, a simplified homage to the statue at the gates of Mithrenek.

Basrenne: While other forest gnomes may wear a basrenne, it is most popular with its creators, the Basingstokes. Unusual in that tightly woven or linked reeds form the chain, the basrenne holds a gem or precious stone kept in its natural state, rather than over-polished, cut or otherwise contorted. Some families pass basrenne down through generations, wearing them only during private rites to Imaera, but it is not unheard of to see new basrenne at other times.

Trinette: Paradis Halflings created the trinette as an adornment for women to be worn during the celebration of the Trine, an annual Truefolk holiday. As the Trine refers to the three original branches of the Truefolk, the Paradis' creation has three key parts: a tri-stranded delicate metal chain, a trilliant-cut gem, and the elaborate metal setting.

Elothrai: Centered only with agate, elothrai were originally strictly for Erithi scholars, male and female, to indicate their "inner mind" and status. Elothrai were quickly adopted into mainstream Erithi culture, however, and each Dai has their own agate for use in an elothrai(footnote 7). Information is scarce, but I am told that few pay attention to which Dai they belong when selecting an agate for their elothrai, personal preference taking precedence.


1 Gemology And The Magickal attributed to Iskanet Levellen, c. 200 ME
2 Chains of metal, leather, wood, and cloth (including ribbons) are all viable, documented materials for ferronieres. Solid circlets with inset gems typically would not be considered in the ferroniere family.
3 See the end of this chapter for a summarizing table
4 The Lady has any number of fascinating, albeit risque, diaries in the reserve collections at the Library
5 See her diaries for a detailed accounting of how she persuaded the Nalfein Court's prized jeweler to work for her
6 The article is displayed in the personal collections of High Lady Auvyra Vonnalaiel
7 See Table

As a quick reference, the table sketched below depicts the most basic of information about each jewelry style discussed in this chapter.

NameRace or CultureBasic Information

GiantThe stone is always carved with a Saramar rune, and the setting is intricate knotwork.

Forest GnomeChain of woven or linked reeds which can be dyed. Gem is in its mostly natural state.

ErithiAlways uses an agate for the gem.<br>Traditional Dai Agates:<br>Eloth Dai: Owleye agate<br>Surath Dai: Drought agate Nalatha Dai: Nalatha agate Yachan Dai: Summer agate Tichan Dai: Storm agate Valaka Dai: Beetle agate

Burghal GnomeChain uses bits and pieces of different metals, gem is in slivers or a shard, and a tiny gear or gadget is worked in somewhere

ElvesRequires a twisted vaalin chain.

DwarfMithril chain, cut gem, often very detailed.

HumanOval-cut stone turned lengthwise to resemble a third eye.

HalflingTri-stranded chain, trilliant-cut gem, and an elaborate setting.


This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, World and Roleplay Improvement. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Harry Potter Policy

Date: 7/20/2007 2:43:03 PM



Anyone posting spoilers anywhere on these forums WILL lose their ability to post.

I'm serious.

As an addendum, please don't even joke about spoilers, no matter how silly or impossible they may seem.

I realize the odds of "OMG HARRY KILLS RON ON PAGE 17!" are slim, but still...no jokey spoilers, either.

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."


This message was originally posted in Socializing, Fantasy Literature. To discuss the above follow the link below.


MHO (Meeting Hall Organization) Group Membership displayed in PROFILE

Author: GS4-SIRINA
Date: 7/18/2007 3:49:26 PM

The PROFILE command has been updated to allow you to display your membership (or officer-ship) in MHO groups.

The default setting is to have this toggled off, so if you would like to activate this feature, simply type PROFILE TOGGLE MHO.

Because there are in excess of around 75 Meeting Hall Organizations, this is an "all or nothing" toggle. (In other words, you can not choose to display one group and not another.)

Thanks go to Ildran for implementing this nifty change.


I <3 archers!

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." ~Galileo Galilei

This message was originally posted in Meeting Hall Organizations (MHOs), General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Mist Harbor Lockers

Date: 7/15/2007 11:26:18 PM

The Upsells team is proud to announce that lockers have come to Mist Harbor. They are located within Hale Hall, with non-house lockers on the first floor, and CHE lockers up the stairs and through the arch.

Thanks to GM Xynwen, we are also pleased to announce that the CHE annex is opened, free of charge, to all Houses. We'd like to thank her for adding some personal touches there.

As I said before, our credits are...

Coding/locker areas/movers - me
QC of scripting - Ildran, Alyias
QC of locker areas - Andraste
CHE area personal touches - Xynwen
QC of that - Sirina

We hope you enjoy this latest addition to our Premium services.

~Khaladon, SGM

All your cookies are belong to us.

This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Cobblers' Co-Operative Opens on Teras Isle

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 7/15/2007 9:53:58 PM

The town officials of Kharam Dzu are pleased to announce completion of a single story stone building at the corner of Imflass and Dragonstail. This building houses Teras Isle's Cobblers' Co-Operative, ready to fulfill all your shoe making requirements.

Pelt & Mandible, in the Company Store, has opened a basement area workshop for your tanning needs.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Re: Ash, ash and more ash!

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 7/15/2007 5:59:27 PM

Indeed, the Eye of V'Tull blew its volcanic top today, sending clouds of ash and balls of flaming lava across Teras Isle. Some inhabitants of the local Temple of Nelemar fled their watery home as its temperature rose, slaying any who got in their way.

We of the Rock happily welcome back our dusy, dirty ash. Many thanks to GM Sleken for his massive coding efforts and to GM Ikaan for helping me kill a bunch of .. er...

Thanks for everyone's help!


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Dyers Expansion

Author: GS4-AIZA
Date: 7/15/2007 4:25:03 PM

Facilities for dyeing items, just like the Reignbeau Caverns in Wehnimer's Landing, have sprouted up across Elanthia. You can now buy vials of dye and dye your favorite falchion, frock, or smock at a location near you.

The following towns now have dyer's shops - Ta'Vaalor, Ta'Illistim, River's Rest, Solhaven, Mist Harbor, Icemule, Cysaegir, and Kharam Dzu.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Points, Flares, and Armor Accessories

Author: GS4-VARULV
Date: 7/13/2007 4:18:31 PM

The question has recently arisen as to whether armor accessories can be flared via premium points. The answer is that they can, and they will be treated, for purposes of determining cost, as +20 items. Adding flares to such accessories will thus be 1500 points (unless they have an enchant greater than +20, in which case the usual costs for adding flares apply).

PCALC has been updated to take this policy into account.


This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Benefits. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Enhancive System Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 7/12/2007 10:52:19 PM

The enhancive system has been updated to properly factor in Constitution enhancive effects when determining a player's Maximum Health level. Previously, an enhanced Constitution score did not cause players to gain (or lose, in the case of Constitution penalties) maximum health. This has now been corrected. One of the more noticeable effects of this change will be its impact on Death's Sting, as its Constitution penalty will now also reduce Maximum Health.


This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, General Discussion about Gemstone IV. To discuss the above follow the link below.



Date: 7/11/2007 10:08:22 PM

Premium titles are now available for purchase from the bemused bureaucrat in the city of Mist Harbor on Four Winds Isle!

The cost is 900 points and the titles are for every character on your account. To see the available options once you buy them, look at TITLE LIST PREMIUM.

We thank you as always for your support, and feedback is encouraged on the Four Winds Forums. Enjoy!

The first blush list, for social and job titles is:

Academic *
Aide *
Antiques Dealer *
Aristocrat *
Artist *
Astronomer *
Beggar *
Butler *
Cartographer *
Commoner *
Delegate *
Drifter *
Elder *
Envoy *
Falconer *
Farmer *
Fortuneteller *
Fugitive *
Gambler *
Gentleman *
Glassblower *
Goodman *
Gypsy *
Hermit *
Hireling *
Jester *
Merchant *
Messenger *
Moneylender *
Nobleman *
Nomad *
Pauper *
Peddlar *
Pirate *
Playwright *
Rat catcher *
Sailor *
Sculptor *
Shipwright *
Thane *
Tinker *
Tradesman *
Vagabond *

Hope you enjoy,

Khaladon, SGM
All your cookies are belong to us.

This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Important Info About SimuCon

Date: 7/11/2007 2:03:04 PM

Those folks who have signed up for SimuCon, in addition to having a warm fuzzy glow of excitement surrounding them in real life, will notice that they have a special title accessible to their characters:

DR Prime: Socialite
DR Plat: Executive Socialite
GS Prime/Plat: Reveler

Don't forget that several attendees are going to walk away with some pretty spiffy gear (Toshiba Laptop, Zune MP3 Player, Sony Digital Camera, and a Wii, among other things), but even more importantly, if you aren't a registered attendee, you will NOT be allowed to participate in any events (this includes roundtable discussions, access to the Hospitality Suite, games, contests, parties, State of Elanthia, etc.).

In addition, the attending GMs' time will be focused entirely toward registered attendees, so do not expect to just "show up" and be able to hang out with the GMs if you aren't registered for the Convention.

There's still time to sign up! But don't delay!


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."


This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


CHANT updated for Clerics

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 7/10/2007 7:58:53 PM

Now when Clerics CHANT prayers to their chosen patrons, they're slightly more verbose. The messaging is deity-specific. Thanks goes to the posters on the cleric boards who helped with the messaging.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


One More Crappy Prize to Add

Date: 7/10/2007 11:44:24 AM

Eh...I know it's not much, but I wanted to add a little something extra into the SimuCon Prize mix...



"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."


Zul Logoth Rogue Guild Released!

Author: GS4-AIZA
Date: 7/7/2007 10:33:22 PM

It has come to the attention of Griva, the Clan Leader of the Grevnek and leader of Zul Logoth, that a place of interest for rogues may or may not exist in Zul Logoth now. It will be up to interested parties to seek out this place (should it exist) on their own. Rumors whispered around the ale halls seem to point to recent disturbances under a notable Zul Logoth landmark, though which particular location was not disclosed.

In addition, Zul Logoth's Clan Leader Griva issued a statement, "Zul Logoth now has guilds for ever'un, 'cept warriors and paladins. Warriors'll be gettin' one soon, and fer paladins, welp, they better start a-prayin' to their god." When asked for further comment, the Clan Leader just drank from the infamous keg, Bob.

This message was originally posted in Rogues, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


SimuCon Prizes Announced

Date: 7/7/2007 3:38:58 PM

It's Prize Time!

I'm quite pleased to let you know that all registered SimuCon attendees will be entered into a drawing to be held on Saturday night for the following fabulous prizes:





Woo hoo!

It's not too late to register! I've extended signups until Friday (the 13th! haha!) so here's your chance...

Sign up today!

See ya there!


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."


This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Update to Ammo-generating Bows.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 7/6/2007 8:45:31 PM

Roundtime calculations for special bows that generate their own arrows have been updated to follow the same mechanics as their mundane counterparts. Previously, these bows were fired in a flat 3 seconds, modified by sniping and aiming. Now, the type of bow (short, composite, or long) as well as strength (statistic, spell 606, and spell 509) will play a factor in the weapons' roundtime.

Ammo-generating crossbows are unaffected by this change.


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Archery. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Webs and Immolation

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 7/3/2007 8:23:20 PM

Area webs made via the Web (118) spell are now able to be destroyed by the Immolation (519) spell.

Area webs are also now able to be destroyed by TOSSing or THROWing a fire goo vial obtained through Lock Mastery.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Minor Spiritual Circle. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Isle of Four Winds Summer Celebration

Date: 7/3/2007 3:43:03 PM


The Isle of Four Winds has long been considered one of the mysteries of Elanthia: Where did it come from? Why is it that ships cannot find the isle no matter what sea they sail? What is the secret magic that allows some to travel there and back with ease?

While one may not uncover all the mysteries of the Isle of Four Winds, the Mist Harbor government is proud to announce a summer celebration.

Come join the fun and festivities on the Isle of Four Winds starting the 6th of July and ending on the 22nd. This is a free event for all premium subscribers. For more information, please visit http://www.play.net/gs4/news.asp?id=68.

Don't forget to snag your Isle of Four Winds Summer Celebration Desktop wallpapers here: http://www.play.net/feature/themes/.

This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, FWI Summer Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.


GemStone IV Staff List - July 07

Date: 7/3/2007 10:35:53 AM


Solomon, PM
Kitrina, APM


CE Systems
Alyias, SGM
Modrian, FGM
Sleken, FGM
Tilmont, CGM
Tridin, GMA
Velse, GMA
Votary, GMA

Events & Festivals
Andraste, FGM
Hadlir, FGM
Kaikala, AGM
Schascle, AGM
Voraviel, CGM
Croe, CGM
Thandiwe, GMA
Vesmera, GMA
Zaramoth, GMA

Teams, Training & QC
Isten, SGM
Siani, ASGM
Emeradan, AGM
Mignon, AGM
Xayle, AGM
Zyllah, AGM
Roxia, CGM
Kveta, GMA

Towns & Communities
Sirina, SGM
Aiza, FGM
Jacien, FGM
Soraya, FGM
Tolli, FGM
Liia, AGM
Talisker, AGM
Dakarai, CGM
Ozias, CGM
Vaschka, CGM
Scribes, GMA
Xynwen, GMA

Khaladon, SGM
Varulv, FGM
Hunterleigh, AGM
Taiven, AGM
Ikaan, CGM
Stealth, CGM
Bazar, GMA
Itzel, GMA
Troyan, GMA


Combat, Magic & Technical Systems
Warden, SGM
Coase, ASGM
Bernt, FGM
Estild, FGM
Ildran, FGM
Mestys, FGM
Naos, FGM
Nilven, FGM
Akaydar, AGM
Oscuro, AGM
Strathspey, AGM
Fazli, CGM

PM - Product Manager
APM - Assistant Product Manager
SGM - Senior GameMaster
ASGM - Assistant Senior GameMaster
FGM - Full GameMaster
AGM - Assistant GameMaster
CGM - Contributing GameMaster
GMA - GameMaster Apprentice

Senior GameHost Staff

GameHost Staff

Aspis Bardfest Pins Update

Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 7/1/2007 2:20:33 PM

As of right now, the messaging on the bardfest pins has been updated. The change is retroactive, so all past bardfest pins and all future bardfest pins will show the new and improved messaging.

Basically, with the writing skills and the blessing of the Aspis crew, we removed all the messaging that forced emotions and actions upon the player and replaced them with similar messaging in spirit minus the icky forced feelings stuff!

Just wanted everyone who owns a pin to realize that it'll message slightly different now.



This message was originally posted in Cooperative Houses of Elanthia (CHE/Great Houses), House Aspis. To discuss the above follow the link below.
