Dateline 8/31/2007: ALCHEMY: IT'S ABOUT TIME!

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 8/31/2007 7:40:20 PM

The professional guilds representing the pure magic-using adventurers of Elanthia are proud to announce the addition of Alchemy-related studies to all affiliated guild halls, in an unprecedented joint venture in the pursuit of knowledge and skill!

Further information is available for your perusal at

Good luck, and have fun!

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Alchemy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Date: 8/28/2007 10:41:36 PM


TO: All Treasure Masters

CC: Guild Headmasters

RE: Stimulating Business

We have good news and bad news. Bad news first.

As you know, this quarter's figures are off sharply, mostly due to a certain Guild principal's decision to "invest" half of our operational budget in Dragon Bones. Until her estates can be sold and the treasury remunerated, we are going to experiment with the elasticity of the incentive program. The desired effect is to fill more contracts in the near-term. Since the enhancive recharging service has the highest margin, we're going to start there.

Related to that, our bid to have proprietary control over the secrets of enhancive recharging was successful! This is thanks to the recovery and delivery of the last of the legendary Burkoi Rubies to our favorite Customers. Once again our association with them proves mutually beneficial. Kudos to our Adventurers involved in that effort.

SO, TO SUMMARIZE: Effective immediately, and lasting indefinitely, the bounty point cost to recharge our enhancive badges will be reduced by 20%. All other enhancive objects will have their costs reduced by 40%, since we've always made those so much more expensive to recharge. Also, all recharging of enhancive items will henceforth be available only through the Adventurer's Guild.

I'm looking forward to seeing next month's numbers from you all.



This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurers Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Last Call for Simu Fantasy Football

Date: 8/27/2007 3:09:39 PM it stands, there are lots of spots left, so if it remains this way, we may have to merge a couple of these leagues together. These are all open for players, GMs, Hosts, etc.

Three are set to AutoPick, but if we fill them up, I'll change them to Live Draft (if I can still get a time). I'm also listing these in order of priority for joining:

League ID#: 356365
League Name: Quitters Never Win
Password: playallseason
Draft Type: Autopick Draft
Max Teams: 10

League ID#: 356181
League Name: SuperBrawl 07
Password: comegetsome
Draft Type: Live Draft
Draft Time: Fri Aug 31 8:30pm CDT
Max Teams: 8

League ID#: 356393
League Name: FantasyFest
Password: festivalofballs
Draft Type: Autopick Draft
Max Teams: 8

League ID#: 356426
League Name: Stewie's Shotgun Superbowl
Password: petergriffin
Draft Type: Autopick Draft
Max Teams: 10


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."

This message was originally posted in Socializing, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Golems Gain Gusto

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 8/24/2007 12:48:58 PM

Non-elemental golems, that is, night, bone, crystal, steel, huge mein and soul golems, have recently been updated to the Basic Critter System (BCS). This update includes, but is not limited to the following features:

* New maneuvers, plus all old maneuvers have been updated to new standards.
* Dozens of new messages (thanks to GM Velse).
* Puncture immunity has been replaced with puncture resistance.
* Mein golems have been made less devastating. Specifically, their explosion no longer extends to adjacent rooms and its severity has been lessened.
* Mein shards' weight and value have been revamped.
* Soul golem treasure has been revamped.
* And lots of little touches left to your discovery!

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Glaesen Star on accelerated schedule

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 8/17/2007 4:12:39 PM

Thanks to GM Sleken for calling in a favor from the Captain of the 'Star.

As of a few minutes ago...

>read schedule
The Glaesen Star is on an accelerated schedule today and will depart from here (the Landing) every 180 minutes. She will return to her normal schedule in 59 hours, 27 minutes.


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Author: GS4-NILVEN
Date: 8/12/2007 6:29:47 PM

Sorcerers around Elanthia have been slightly more careful with their void placement from open implosion. Practioners of the dark arts have reported that they find their implosions no longer hitting their animates!

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Author: GS4-NILVEN
Date: 8/12/2007 6:29:09 PM

Towns around Elanthia have proclaimed that using animated beings to murder someone within the confines of town will result in a murder charge, as if the offending necromancer had done the deed by his own hand. These developments are likely in response to the events that have taken place around Wehnimer's Landing and Darkstone Castle over the past several weeks. Many local politicians and law enforcement agents have professed somewhat of a distaste for necromancers as of late.

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Chrism (325) Update

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 8/12/2007 2:15:37 AM

Holy Receptacle's (325) tier four ability, Chrism, has been updated. When used upon a corpse, it will now allow the corpse to retain a portion of its experience, which was previously lost upon death. The base amount is 50%, and is increasable by training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings at the rate of a seed 1 summation * 5. The lore benefit requires additional training past the initial 10 ranks which enables the Cleric to create chrism gems.

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Festering Taints

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 8/5/2007 4:03:11 PM

Purify Air (207) will now provide a significant boost to defense when attempting to negate the effects of a festering taint's putrid air maneuver attack.

In addition, their spell arsenal has expanded to incorporate some new tricks.

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Skip Skin Scenes With SORT

Author: GS4-ILDRAN
Date: 8/5/2007 10:57:35 AM

IOI: 5

Users of SORT UP and SORT DOWN may now find that it takes fewer operations to maneuver one's inventory into place. SORT UP and SORT DOWN will now move items by as many places as necessary to provide a visible change in one's outward appearance. Most noticeably, items that reside next to tattoos will be moved past the tattoos and come to rest beyond whatever the next conventional item is.

- Ildran

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Avalon Updated!

Posted on 8/2/2007 3:14:25 PM by the Webstaff
Note: This is not included in the announcement folder but I thought it was announcement worthy =)

The GemStone IV MAC OS X game client, Avalon, has recently been updated with some cool new features.

Version 4.1.5 Features:

* Optimized socket reading routines. Avalon should be much more responsive now when receiving large amounts of text.
* Added a preference setting to toggle the snapping of normal window position while dragging. This preference is DISABLED by default.
* Fixed a bug where entries in the Names list could cause text to be thrown away and not displayed in the Main window.
* Fixed an issue with the vertical scroll position of the Main window snapping to the bottom with any text received from the game.
* Entering a command to the game will snap the vertical scroll position of the Main window to the bottom. Added a check box to the General Preferences window to toggle this behavior.
* Updated spell entries in Magic menu for GemStone IV.

Beta Version 4.2.0--help test out the future version of Avalon!

* Added scripting support: Avalon's scripting engine should be backwards compatible with both Wizard Front End and StormFront scripts. Avalon does NOT currently support scripting commands that manipulate highlight lists. A preference has been added to specify which character indicates a script command, with the default set to "." (a period.)

To download and get more information about the Avalon client, please visit here.

Sonic Weapon Song (1012) Alternate Noun Expansion.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 8/1/2007 7:02:52 PM

Wishing to wield a wakizashi? Craving to kill with a kozuka? Ready to rashly regulate a runestaff? Stop sulking and sing your sorrows away with this special sonic surprise!

Sonic Weapon Song (1012) has been updated to reflect the current weapon naming standards. The vast majority of nouns listed on the Weapon Guide of the website ( should now be available through the spellsong, with the most notable exceptions being the katana, naginata, claidhmore, and missile weapons.

Some alternate nouns will still require a physical copy of the weapon in order to properly form the sonic equivalent.


This message was originally posted in Bards, Bard Magic, Spells, and Spellsongs. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 8/1/2007 5:51:01 PM

After a hard night of investigation, local housing authorities of various towns have been roused to repossess a number of disused properties owned by Four Winds members.

Due to some errant paperwork, housing officials had ceased their periodic verification of the Four Winds membership status of deed holders. This allowed the properties in question to remain in the possession of individuals who were no longer associated with the Four Winds or who have not been seen in the lands in some time.

After being notified of the mix-up, Four Winds housing officials sprang to action and quickly sorted out the situation with local housing authorities of the towns and cities who had agreed to provide exclusive property allotments for Four Winds members.

Four Winds members should find a large number of properties previously thought to be occupied to now be clearly marked as abandoned and available to be claimed.



Jenovadeath playfully swats at the water, splashing Maliku!

This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Premium Homes. To discuss the above follow the link below.