New beta version 1.15 of the SGE

Date: 10/31/2007 12:33:18 PM

A new beta version 1.15 of the SGE has been released. It can be downloaded from here:

Once testing is finished it will be released as an automatic update. If you find any problems let me know.

Version 1.15 29-Oct-07

o Moved all settings out of win.ini and private
registry files into main registry.

o Changed temporary file location from C:\Gse.~xt
to the temp directory.

o Changed the way processes are started.

o The SGE should now function on Vista as a
standard or admin user after the above changes.

o Added multi account support(up to 10 accounts)

o Launcher location is now looked up in the
registry. This Fixes the update loop problem when
new versions of the launcher are released.

o Dev instances are automaticly listed for staff

o New installer script. SGETask.exe now installs in
the correct location to auto-start in XP.

o Made similer changes to SGETask as SGE.

This message was originally posted in Front Ends, Forums, and Computer Help, SGE Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Goodnight, Elanthia!

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 10/29/2007 10:54:43 PM

Three new verbs have been introduced: SLEEP, WAKE and SNORE. SLEEP allows one to fall asleep voluntarily. WAKE allows one to wake themselves or others. WAKE does not work to wake oneself when forced into an unconscious state. SNORE lets one saw wood in style. Check VERB INFO {verb} and {verb} HELP for more information on each of the verbs. Note that SLEEP and WAKE have special messaging available for married couples.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Knockout flares

Author: GS4-ITZEL
Date: 10/29/2007 5:29:31 PM

In order to ensure that previously announced merchant services were provided at Ebon Gate, those services were divvied up amongst the GM pool. In the course of that process, I was tasked with offering knockout flares. I was glad to offer this service.

Because the approval process took place before my involvement, there were communication issues regarding the rules and requirements for receiving knockout flares. I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

The end result of these conflicting rulesets is that some weapons may have gone out with flares that should not have, while other weapon types were incorrectly excluded from the service options. In addition, some weapons mistakenly retained their blessability. This was not an intended design feature.

I'll be contacting those people who have received knockout flares during this festival to fix this. Rest assured, no one will be penalized either monetarily or "weaponly." This may entail moving flares, changing flare types or if requested, a refund on the cost of the service.

In the future, I only intend to offer fart flares or some other service that no one will be really interested in. Though thinking about it, we could add a second tier to that to allow you to light them...

GM Itzel

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 10/28/2007 12:56:51 PM

~~ a waterstained journal page ~~

I have been successful in harvesting some rare widowwood, and I have returned not just with flowers to use in my next perfume, but a living shoot of the shrub itself. The journey through the swamps was as dangerous as legends tell, and as worth it. I brought back enough dead widowwood to craft the rose door my wife so wants, and if my botanical endeavors succeed, we can have a small grove of the elusive shrub in our garden, and I can corner the market on its scent.

-- Danekas --

OOC: Some of you may have noted an unusual wood in Scents of Death, and perhaps a new fragrance in one of the perfumes. I designed widowwood one day while in the shower (I get all my best ideas in weird places), and pestered others to read the idea and see if it would fly. They did. It did. And I am pleased to introduce you to widowwood!

Widowwood: Blue-black wood that can have a rose, purple, or crimson sheen to it depending on how it is cut and polished, the widowwood is a rare shrub. Possessing a sturdy trunk, its wood can be used for carving in small quantities. For example, one might build a door out of pieces of widowwood, or one might make small carvings, but one would never use it to build a house. The widowwood grows best in dim and dank swamps and that ilk. Silver-backed, deep green leaves cluster in sets of five along spindly branches. At the center of each leaf cluster, a tiny and lop-sided white flower will bloom, which in turn yields a pale blue berry. These tiny flowers and berries produce a beautiful scent, and this is where the widowwood gets its name. Men over the ages have died while seeking the scent to add to perfumes or to test for alchemical or healing properties, drowned in the quick bogs the shrub grows near, never to be seen again. The widowwood has only recently been rediscovered in some treacherous bogs past the Lake of Shadowed Sorrows, and small quantities have filtered into the more populous areas of Elanthia.

*IMPORTANT* *NOTE*: This wood is considered VERY rare, so you would have to supply the wood to get anything made with it, so no running around asking for alterations with the wood in it! Plus, this, as stated in the description above, is a decorative wood only. No weapons or other functional items would ever be made from it.

There is no widowwood for sale or released, so that means for now, this is just a neat new wood. The occasional statue or something may be released eventually, so keep an eye out to start collecting if it does happen! ;)


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Prayer of Holding (301) Updated

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 10/23/2007 12:26:06 PM

The Cleric spell 301, Prayer of Holding, has been updated.

The mana cost of the spell has been changed from 1 mana per 2 levels of the target, capped at 20 mana to a summation seed 1 based off of the target's level. That is, a level 1 target costs 1 mana whereas a level 105 target costs 14 mana. This mana cost grows at a much slower rate than the previous one.

The duration of Prayer of Holding previously was dramatically influenced by the level of the caster. This factor has been reduced in importance and replaced with an increased importance of warding margin (endroll).

When imbedded by the Magic Item Creation or Holy Receptacle spells or charged by the Charge Item spell, Prayer of Holding counts as a level 8 spell to emulate the variable mana cost for different targets.

Prayer of Holding now counts as a spell of war.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Sleep (501) Updated

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 10/23/2007 12:23:19 PM

The Major Elemental spell 501, Sleep, has been updated.

The mana cost of the spell has been changed from 1 mana per 2 levels of the target, capped at 20 mana to a summation seed 1 based off of the target's level. That is, a level 1 target costs 1 mana whereas a level 105 target costs 14 mana. This mana cost grows at a much slower rate than the previous one.

The duration of Sleep was previously determined solely by the level of the caster. Duration is now based off of the warding margin (endroll).

When imbedded by the Magic Item Creation spell or charged by the Charge Item spell, Sleep counts as a level 8 spells to emulate the variable mana cost for different targets. The restriction of only being able to use Sleep cast from a magic item on a level 2 target has been removed. Also, when casting Sleep from a scroll, the spell will no longer take mana from the caster.

Sleep now counts as a spell of war.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Major Elemental Circle. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Ruined Tower

Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 10/21/2007 11:01:39 AM

I noticed today that creatures in the tower portion of the Ruined Tower area could get stuck in an inaccessible room, which would lead to no killable creatures genning in the area. This is fixed, so the tower should be properly awash with water wyrds and hisskra.

Please stop by, the locals wish to drown you in their affections.


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, River's Rest Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Regarding Khaladon

Date: 10/19/2007 10:13:50 PM

Hi Folks...

First off, I'd like to say that we hear what you're saying. We understand that Khaladon was an exceptional GM, who contributed a great deal to the game for several years. I doubt there is a single person out there that could play GemStone for any length of time and not come across something that Khaladon had a hand in. His impact on the game, especially the Platinum instance, was significant and it's only natural that after his departure, emotions are running high and there are lots of questions people would like answered.

However, having said that, it is important that everyone understands that this action, like any of its kind, was done only as a last resort. The decision was not made lightly, nor was it a hasty or knee-jerk reaction. Neither was it based on a single incident or motivated by anything other than the standards and internal policies we have to uphold for the sake of the community.

Speaking in general, whenever we are faced with a situation where a GM or player has stepped outside of the bounds of what is acceptable, there is a process that takes place: There are discussions with the individual, we establish our expectations and explain the problem and what has to be addressed. We then work with the individual to get everyone back on the same page. It is only when this process fails, even in the case of a GM who's been around a long time and a great deal of effort has been expended to try and rectify the situation with the individual, that we are left with no other choice. Sometimes there are differences, in motivation, creativity, or just viewpoint that cannot be resolved, other times the situation is more dire when often irreparable damage is occurring to the game and such incidents are not curtailed. Everyone involved does a great deal of soul searching at times like this and there is a realization that often, in the end, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. But, in the interest of everyone involved (in particular, the community, whether it's realized or not) there occasionally arises situations where there is regrettably only one possible course of action. We hate being the ones in this position, especially since we are bound by our ethics to not air the dirty laundry (even if the individual involved feels no such obligation).

Some of you have said this seemed sudden and yes, from your perspective, it definitely looks to be "out of the blue". However, just like we don't publicly discuss or announce disciplinary actions taken against other players with you, we also don't discuss the same types of actions taken with staff. We generally don't even discuss those matters with other staff members, since any issues with or concerns about an individual staff member's conduct or performance is between management, that staff member, and their immediate supervisor. We don't send out email or make announcements declaring that Player X was given a warning or locked out and likewise, we maintain the same level of decorum and privacy when it comes to our GMs. This isn't to say that it's "none of your business" because you are all part of "The Community", anything that affects "The Community" affects you. However, these issues are not a matter of public record, out of respect and courtesy for the people involved, be they player or GM.

Over the years, several GMs have come and gone, voluntarily or otherwise. Before Khaladon took over Platinum and Premium, there were other GMs who "made" Plat or Premium what they were and when they left, players left with them, confident that no one would ever be able to take their place. In those players' opinions, the departure of those staff members spelled "The End of Plat" or "The End of Premium" or even "The End of GemStone" and without them, life in Elanthia just wasn't worth living. But then, over time, someone else came along (like Khaladon did) and picked up where those GMs left off and pretty soon, it was a different story. I won't say those GMs were forgotten, because I'm sure that's not the case, nor should it be. We should never overlook or ignore the contributions any GM has made to the game or to the community. We should, however, remember that no single GM is responsible for making GemStone what it is. GemStone is a collaborative effort, made great by the input and involvement of a team of people working together as a whole to achieve a common goal, not as individuals doing their own thing or playing by their own rules. Kitrina, Llothwyn, Khaladon's team members, and the rest of the GemStone staff are still working just as hard for you as they were before Khaladon left and they'll continue to work just as hard for you now, but no single GM can make a community what it is. The community makes the GM(s) what they are.

In closing, I'd like to reiterate that no one is trying to say that you should forget Khaladon's involvement in GemStone, nor should anyone downplay his involvement in Plat. We're in "The Good" topic here on the forums, so continue to celebrate what was Good and continue to wish Khaladon well in the future.

I'll also make it VERY clear that the Platinum instance isn't going anywhere. It won't be shut down and it won't be rebranded or replaced with a "Fallen" version of GemStone. When/If a Fallen instance happens, it will be a totally separate entity.

But also remember that there are a lot of hard working, dedicated GMs that you know (and quite a few that you've not even met yet, now that I mention it) who are upstairs. I'm willing to bet that if they're given the chance and the opportunity to step up, they'll show you what they're capable of.

Again, we wish Khaladon and the other departing GMs (a couple of whom were already in the process of leaving and picked this as an interestingly convenient time to announce that fact) the best in the future and hope they find happiness wherever their travels take them.


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, The Good....(general compliments). To discuss the above follow the link below.

An Orb for a Price

Date: 10/19/2007 1:34:37 PM

I meant to post this on Wednesday, but all things considered... it got lost to the ether.

Those of you that are having trouble finishing your gem hunts in order to acquire an orb need not fret. If the task truly is impossible for you to handle, then there is another way to obtain an orb to finish your map.

During Ebon Gate, one of the ghostly residents will be selling orbs for a hefty price.


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Empath Spell Changes

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 10/17/2007 9:20:19 PM

A number of significant changes have been made to Empaths' spell arsenal.

These changes include the ability to cast Heal (1101) at a target, causing it to become Harm. This should be a boon to starting Empaths and will provide experienced Empaths with a low mana, finishing attack. Like all war spells, you can INCANT to auto-select a target, but this also prevents you from using it to Heal (to restore blood loss). You can still use the spell in a sanctuary, but you must use CAST. There is pending update which once released will mimic the old functionality of incant.

Bone Shatter (1106) has been revised. Lower level Empaths will seen a significant increase in damage, while higher level Empaths will see a significant decrease in criticals. This will bring the spell more in line with its goal of being a low level attack spell. There is also a negative TD modifier when the spell is used against lower level targets.

Wither (1115) has been released. This is a new high level attack spell which replaces much of the lost effectiveness of the old Bone Shatter. It also removes many previous restrictions Empaths had in their hunting variety, as it is able to affect the undead.

More specific details, such as lore impact, of the spells can be read below in their official descriptions. Due to these changes, all Empaths will receive a free FIXSKILLS, which is to follow the normal policy of their application (does not stack with existing, unused FIXSKILLS, must be used before the next festival, etc).

Lastly, a huge thanks to: the Cleric/Empath team (GameMaster Warden, GameMaster Nilven, and GameMaster Oscuro) for their work in design, GameMaster Oscuro's work to convert beetles to BCS which were used in this release event and GameMaster Mestys for his quick review of the code, GameMaster Gyres for her awesome messaging of Harm (1101) and Wither (1115), GameMaster Thandiwe for her messaging work in the release event (you can thank her for the riddle!), and the players for their ideas and patience.

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

Heal/Harm (1101)

Type: Utility/Attack

Through a feat of pure mental concentration, an Empath is able to heal their wounds, ranging from minor scratches to complete limb regeneration. This skill set begins with Heal, which restores lost blood. The amount of blood restored is subject to the Empath's First Aid skill, Empath spell ranks, and their level.

With the aid of an artifact that was recently uncovered, Empaths have divined how to reverse this process, causing blood loss in their targets. Training in Mental Lore, Manipulation increases the amount of damage. Due to the nature of this attack, Harm only affects targets that are living and have blood. The duality of this spell is represented by its name - Heal/Harm.

[NOTE: Using the CURE command after preparing this spell will restore more Health Points than using the CAST command, but at a higher Mana Point cost.]

Bone Shatter (1106)

Type: Attack

Study of anatomy reveals the importance of bone structure. By utilizing this knowledge and the perceived state of need from such a mechanism for a number of living beings, Empaths manipulate the bones in their target causing them to instantly, and painfully, shatter. The power of the attack is enhanced upon a successful cast on a target with ranks of Mental Mana Control. Training in Mental Lore, Manipulation provides for a chance to completely abolish the target's bone structure, resulting in instant death.

Bone Shatter will only work on targets that have bones. Less experienced targets have a more difficult time resisting this spell.

[NOTE: Increased damage is possible when CHANNELing the spell from a higher stance and having an open hand.]

Wither (1115)

Type: Attack

Drawing upon their spiritual connection, an Empath is able to summon the stray spirits within an area. These spirits will surround the Empath's target, causing it to wither. The spirits focus their strength upon a specific body part of the target, until it is no more or the target dies. If the former is reached first, the spirits will attack the next closest location. Training in Mental Lore, Manipulation allows an Empath to assist the spirits in an attempt to completely wither the target, resulting in its death.

Skilled Empaths are able to summon additional spirits for an extra damage cycle, determined by ranks in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning. The percentage chance is ranks / 1.5.

[NOTE: Increased damage is possible when CHANNELing the spell from a higher stance and having an open hand.]

This message was originally posted in Empaths, Empath Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Staff Announcement

Date: 10/17/2007 5:28:42 PM

Dear GemStone IV Community,

Unfortunately, I need to let you know that SGM Khaladon is no longer a member of the GemStone IV staff.

SGM Khaladon, known as Paul to many of us, contributed heavily to our community, both as a player and a GameMaster. He put a lot of passion and heart into his efforts here, from his wild merchants to his management of the Premium & Platinum communities. There was never a question that he cared about the game, its players, and his colleagues. We wish Paul the best and hope that all his future endeavors are equally as meaningful as what he has done for us here.

SGM Lothwyn will be managing the Upsells vision going forward. His professionalism and commitment to customer service excellence are qualities that make him an outstanding candidate for this position. The Upsells team, along with the Events team, will create a new team called Events and Promotions. These talented folks will work together to continue making GemStone IV one of the most immersive online experiences available.

Thank you for being patient and understanding during this transitional phase.


GemStone IV, Assistant Product Manager

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Beetles Buffed to BCS

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 10/15/2007 12:36:53 PM

Beetles have been updated to the Basic Critter System (BCS). This update includes bringing their poison gas fart maneuver up to modern standards, adding new messaging and making beetles puncture resistant rather than puncture immune.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.

There comes a time...

Date: 10/12/2007 2:53:30 PM

Hello my friends,

It is with my deepest regrets that I announce that I am resigning from the Office Staff of Simutronics effective October 31, 2007. The primary reason I have chosen to part ways from the office is to relocate my family closer to my wife's family in Arizona to start the next stage of our lives.

Simutronics, and in particular GemStone III/IV, has been part of my life since January 1996 when I first found the portal into Elanthia and this community. Almost 12 years have passed and I have yet to regret a single day or decision I've made, either as a player or a member of staff.

I have been a member of staff since I was officially hired as GameHost Silvaran back in March of 1999. Prior to my departure, I was the 5th longest tenure member of staff outside of such highly regarded members of staff like SGMs Warden and Isten, as well as, FGMs Andraste and Modrian.

I have never held a single interaction against any of you regardless of how many times we may have agreed or disagreed. It doesn?t matter if it was helping players in GemStone III as a GameHost, handling referrals as a GameMaster, or for the past 6+ years, addressing your Feedback concerns (DragonRealms and GemStone III/IV) as Feedback Coordinator Antavian or Billing Representative Gary.

I plan to stay around and get back into playing the games with more frequency than I did as a staff member and it's possible that I may stay on in a diminished capacity as a GameMaster for GemStone IV, though this is not something I have decided as of yet.

To the friends...No, that isn't quite right. To the family that I've had the honor of sharing these past 11+ years with, I thank you all for your caring and loving support. Whether you are a member of staff (past, present or future) or one of the many players I've enjoyed interacting with throughout the years, you all have had a significant impact in the life of my family.

So, without making this any longer than it needs to be...Thank you and best wishes to you all.


GameHost/Sage/GameMaster Silvaran
Simutronics Feedback Coordinator Antavian

This message was originally posted in Socializing, Farewells and Returns. To discuss the above follow the link below.

It's Stompin' Time!

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 10/7/2007 5:37:19 PM

A number of creatures with ground stomping maneuvers (that cause knockdown and roundtime) have been updated to modern standards. These changes (to creatures such as giants, constructs, worshippers of Illoke, etc.) mimic the recent changes to golems.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Of Crows and Journals

Date: 10/3/2007 6:53:16 PM

Banded together for a common goal, twelve scholars set out from the college of Nydds some two hundred years ago and headed deep into the ruins of the Ziristal Empire. Their research guided their steps across the mountain ranges to the resting place of the antiquated scrolls that they would need to fuel a legendary talisman which promised eternal life. However, fate was unkind and the talisman was fueled by more darker things than any of them imagined. Their tale unfolds upon the wrinkled pages of a worn leather journal, and the crows cry out for the price that they have wrought.

Read their story at https:

Also, don't forget to get the official Soul Harvester desktop wallpaper:

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Elanthian Times Reports Oddity in the Air

Date: 10/3/2007 5:14:09 PM

Elanthian Times Reports Oddity in the Air

Jastatos 1, 5107

Across the breadth and width of Elanth, and touching upon Nations both above and below ground, a strange phenomenon has started to take place that has many baffled and confused. The peculiar instance, or instances would be a more accurate portrayal, is that of strange avian feathers appearing within the locked chests and boxes that are spread throughout the known realms. Dormant at first glance, the feathers seem to come to life and transform into an ethereal crow. Many report instances of the crow actually biting those that find them, while others report claims of the strange winged creations asking their discoverers to either "Save" or "Avenge" a hereto undiscovered "them". In point of fact, several of the crows have been spotted by large groups of people in what can only be defined as a form mass hallucination or some spectral premonition that is targeted to plead with a captivated audiences for aid, however to who or what has remained thus far undefined. Stranger still, some have reported that the ethereal beings are depositing tangible fragments of a real world journal that has no author and is equally as mysterious as the creatures delivering them.

Today reports have started that another oddity has begun with the feathers that continue to find their way into locked treasures. Indeed, while many of the feathers continue to disappear as they have for some time, an equal number seems to linger in the form of a strange quill. What do these quills do? What is the purpose of these strange crows? The crows seem to fly off to the south, are they heading to the city of Velathae as rumor would have it? Are the odd green lights near the city responsible for the avian beasts? Is this some ploy of the Merchant Consortium to create mystery and intrigue for the up coming festival? Or is it some strange marketing ploy of the Consortium to garner increased revenue for their already legendary festival?

When these questions were presented to representatives of the Merchant Consortium they were denied as out of turn and not in the nature of what the Consortium strives for. Many seemed appalled at the thought, while some few seemed a bit nervous. Only the days to come will tell us the truth of the mysteries that have found their way under lock and key.

Learn more about the Ebon Gate 2007 event here:

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.