Darkstone Pool Restriction

Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 12/31/2007 12:13:14 PM

The level restriction on the Darkstone Pool has been reduced from 25 to 20, making it a bit more friendly for anyone who wants to brave the pool, roa'ter run, and magical storms to fight centaurs. Yarr!

Note: the Voln Tapestry limits have not been changed.

-- What's not to love?

This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Wehnimer's Landing Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Re: Koar's Shrine/Cavern of Ages

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 12/30/2007 7:47:45 PM

<< You still can't cast call familiar in the cavern or at the sands. Makes it a tad difficult to Familiar Gate >>

Players should now find Koar's Shrine a bit more friendly to familiars.


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Pinefar Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Koar's Shrine/Cavern of Ages

Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 12/30/2007 10:01:35 AM

Koar's Shrine and the Cavern of Ages have been changed to be in the same realm as Pinefar.

Among other things, this means ESP, Symbol of Thought, Symbol of Need, etc. will reach from Pinefar to the Cavern of Ages, and Pinefar is now within reach for teleporting out of the Cavern of Ages via gold rings, Familiar Gate, and Traveler's Song.


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Pinefar Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Winterfest Caravan Closing Date

Author: GS4-STAAFL
Date: 12/29/2007 10:07:38 AM

All good things must come to an end, so...

The caravan is picking up shop and leaving early Volnes, the 31st of Eorgaen (Monday, 31-Dec), so make sure you get your last minute shopping done by Sunday.


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Items, Inventory, and BUG Reports

Date: 12/20/2007 5:16:15 PM

Just a quick note... if you have an item that appears to have a typo in it and it's an UNSCRIPTED item, please don't submit a BUG report on that item. Instead, please place an ASSIST REQUEST and ask for a typo fix. If it's a SCRIPTed item and the problem seems to be in one of the scripts, definitely submit a BUG report on the item. If you're unsure which route to take, just place an ASSIST REQUEST and ask about the appropriate route to take. Thanks in advance for helping us keep the number of unnecessary BUG reports low. :)

GM Emeradan
GemStone IV Forums
"The Watchdog."
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Items and Inventory. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Avalon 4.2.2 Beta Available

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 12/20/2007 4:12:31 PM



This message was originally posted in Front Ends, Forums, and Computer Help, Avalon (was Warlock FE) - for Macintosh OS X. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Cleric Spell Name Changes

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 12/20/2007 7:25:16 AM

A few minor updates to Cleric spells have been made for clarity and consistence.

Prayer of Protection (303) has had its mnemonic changed from "warding" to "protection." "Warding" was an artifact of its old name before the de-ICEing.

Holy Blade (304) has become a misnomer as the spell can be applied to more than just blades. Its name has been changed to Bless Item and its mnemonic is now "bless."

Blinding (311) has been changed to Blind. This is primarily due to the name never changing after the de-ICE and secondarily because in our current spell naming schemes for single-name spells, we use infinitive verb forms and not gerunds. Its mnemonic is now also "blind."

= - GM Oscuro - =

Cleric/Empath Team

This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Spend Your Winterfest in Fabulous Icemule!

Date: 12/20/2007 12:55:41 AM

That's right. For those few of you who haven't heard, a caravan full of villagers from a distant town have arrived in Icemule Trace, guided by a tribe of mystics known as the Mist-Dancers.

What's there, you ask? Why, there's all sorts of fabulous stuff. But I'm not going to spoil it for you. No, you'll just have to head to Icemule and find out for yourself.

Auchand, braggadocious

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.


CHE Winter Solstice Celebration - Time Correction

Author: GS4-ITZEL
Date: 12/19/2007 6:17:34 PM

The correct time for the CHE Winter Solstice Celebration and Ornament Hanging is 9:30 Eastern, not 6:30 Eastern as posted on the calendar. Please accept our apologies for this mistake, the event will go off as planned at 9:30 Eastern.

GM Itzel

This message was originally posted in Cooperative Houses of Elanthia (CHE/Great Houses), Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Resist Nature (620) Armor Accessory Update.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 12/18/2007 1:55:10 PM

Resist Nature, Ranger spell 620, has been updated to allow the spell to imbue certain armor accessory items with resistance. Any armor accessory items comprised chiefly of wood, leather, cloth, or bone are eligible for resistance.

620 resistance benefits for armor accessories will only apply when used in conjunction with rigid leather torso armor or below -- no benefit will be garnered from wearing them with chain or plate class torso armor. However, armor accessories imbued with resistance via 620 will also not cause the typical reduction in effective padding when worn with crit or damage padded chain or plate class torso armors, while the reduction will still apply when worn with rigid leather torso armor or below.


This message was originally posted in Rangers, Ranger Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.


A Twist of Roses: Spring Line Contest

Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 12/16/2007 3:47:24 PM

A Twist of Roses, Ta'Illistim's newest salon, is gearing up for spring! While their less-than-humble proprietors would NEVER admit to utilizing designs coming from someone else, their puppetmaster (aka me) is perfectly willing to get help.

So...contest time!

1. One entry per account (ALL accounts are eligible--basic, premium, platinum)
2. Each entry can consist of up to 5 items for the shop
3. Each item can be LONG, but no SHOWs are allowed. LONG items have a maximum of 60 characters including spaces
4. Due to me by 23:59 pacific time, January 15, 2008. Email my play.net and put ATOR Contest: in the subject line
5. Send me only 1 email. Do not send 5 separate items in 5 separate emails. I will disqualify you and hunt you down. ::grin::

About the salon:
Remember it's an upscale salon with people who consider themselves true artists in their field. I'll take submissions for any or all of the rooms (makeup, jewelry, clothing). With the seasonal nature of the inventory and the "artiste" mindset of its proprietors, you won't see the sheer volume of clothing that its predecessor had.

1. There will be as many winners as I deem necessary to flesh out the spring line
2. I will decide what would fit in the salon
3. Winners will receive 1 of their created items free. If I use all 5 items of a submission, you will get to pick 1 of those 5 as your freebie, not all 5
4. Winners can fill themselves with self-righteous joy and self-aggrandizement, knowing you are truly worthy of the fashionista title

That is all....go forth and design for me!


This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Elanthian Fashion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


A Nefarious Hangout Revealed

Date: 12/15/2007 12:15:28 AM

Dateline 12/14/2007: WAGE AND DAGGER TAVERN OPENS!

Changing management has taken over a small tavern that was failing financially and given it new life. Working within the seamy shadows of the docks of South 'Haven, the current owner hasn't done much to improve the exterior, but apparently the kitchen has found a new cook. In keeping with the kind of... clientele... it draws, no visible sign attracts attention to the establishment. While you're encouraged to spend your coins inside, you might wish to keep them secure and out of sight while socializing.



Bringing tiramisu and key lime pies to the masses everywhere!

"Wisdom is ofttimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar." ~ William Wordsworth, The Excursion

This message was originally posted in Towns, Solhaven. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Warrior Tricks Update: Sheath Making

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 12/12/2007 11:47:33 PM

Warrior-made sheaths have been updated! The weight of all existing sheaths created via WTRICK SHEATHM have been retroactively reduced to half a pound. All new sheaths crafted via Warrior Tricks will also weigh half a pound.

In addition, warrior-made sheaths will also reduce the effective weight of each weapon contained within by 2 pounds, to a minimum effective weight of half a pound. For example, if you place a 10 pound greatsword into a warrior sheath, it will be treated as if it weighed 8 pounds. A 2 pound dagger would be treated as if it weighed half a pound. This weight reduction will only apply to weapons placed into the sheath, not to any other type of item.


This message was originally posted in Warriors, Warrior Guild Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


December Splendor: Extra Locker Space for All!

Date: 12/12/2007 9:50:58 PM

Are your lockers bulging, and are you unable to find places to put all the neat toys you've collected from this season of giving? Well, good news!

All lockers have been increased to an additional 30 slots!

Now you can fit that cherished pair of grimy socks you found off a kobold in a secure place! :)

Happy holidays everyone!

<3 your GemStone IV Staff

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, General Discussion about Gemstone IV. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Thinking About Being A GameHost?

Author: GS4-ZYLLAH
Date: 12/11/2007 11:57:51 PM

The GameHost Program is looking to add a few new members to its team!

What is a GameHost you ask? Good question! They are the liaisons between GM's and the players when it comes to technical and game-related issues. They are the basic "frontline" in the chain of Customer Service. GameHosts are required to have a good knowledge of the game and should be able to answer questions about basic technical issues and general gameplay. They must also possess excellent customer service skills, be able to commit to a set shift schedule of six hours per week, and have demonstrated a history of following the policies of GemStone IV.

If you are interested in becoming a GameHost and think you have what it takes to be an outstanding member of the team then read the requirements and submit your application at https://www.play.net/gs4/apply/hostapp.asp today! If you have applied in the past and it has been at least six months feel free to send in a new application to indicate your continued interest. Remember that the application is your first opportunity to make a good impression!

Dyers Announce Massive Price Cut

Author: GS4-BERNT
Date: 12/10/2007 5:28:37 PM

The Elanthian Federation of Dyers is pleased to announce that the price of all dyes has been slashed from 5,000 silvers to 500 silvers, effective immediately. Master Midrian, spokesperson for the federation, explained the rationale for the change. "When we expanded the dyer's shops across Elanthia, we had hoped to see a big uptick in sales. In fact, business has been horrible. We hope that we'll be able to make our annual sales targets by selling 20 times more volume at one-tenth the price!"

GM Bernt

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Elanthian Fashion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Minor Spiritual Alchemy Recipes Updated

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 12/9/2007 11:35:32 AM

The recipes for spell items from the Minor Spiritual spell circle have been updated to include both simmer and boil throughout.

Please visit your local skilled master and ASK for an UPDATE to have your recipe tomes updated.


This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Alchemy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Rummage for Alchemy Ingredients

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 12/9/2007 11:03:29 AM

An option has been added to the RUMMAGE verb to allow players to rummage through containers for specific alchemy ingredients.

RUMMAGE [in|on|under|behind] {container} INGREDIENT {string}

This feature will search against the canonical name of the ingredient (the name that appears when an ingredient is checked with ALCHEMY EXAMINE) and place the first item found matching the indicated search {string} into a free hand.

The search supports partial string matching, so a search for "amb le" would match "ambrominas leaf", and a search for "blu es sha" would match "glimmering blue essence shard."

Search terms are tested against the beginning of words in the canonical name of the ingredient, so while "blu es sha" would match "glimmering blue essence shard, "blu sen har" would not.

Any number of search terms can be supplied, but the terms will be checked that they appear in the order they are specified, so while "blu es sha" would match "glimmering blue essence shard", "es blu sha" will not.


This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Alchemy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Miracle (350) Released!

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 12/7/2007 10:58:36 PM

The capstone Cleric spell, Miracle, has been implemented!

350 - Miracle [miracle]
Duration - Immediate

Type: Utility

The pinnacle of clerical magic can be seen when Clerics request a Miracle from their deity. A Cleric with knowledge of the Miracle spell can BESEECH his or her patron after he or she has died in a desperate plea to be brought back to life. Doing so comes at a cost of 50 Mana Points (MP). The Cleric calls the spiritual servants of the patron deity to sanctify the area and cause it to become a temporary Minor Sanctuary. This is done with the same limitations as the Minor Sanctuary spell, except that the failure rate is significantly reduced due to the patron's servants assisting the Cleric's call. Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning reduces the failure rate.

If the formation of the sanctuary is successful, the Cleric is immediately resurrected by servants of his or her deity. The Cleric is returned to life with full Health and Spirit Points, however, all wounds remain on the Cleric's body. Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings gives a chance that a Chrism-like effect (Tier 4 of the Holy Receptacle spell) is placed on the Cleric prior to their resurrection. The chance is 5% at 2 ranks up to 90% at 189 ranks.

A Cleric can only muster the spiritual strength to successfully use Miracle once every 24 hours. However, those truly dedicated to the study of faith can petition their patrons more frequently. By training in Spiritual Lore, Religion a Cleric will recover his spiritual strength more quickly, reducing the normal 24 hours by 1 hour at 4 ranks and up to 16 hours at 184 ranks.

Note: Using the BESEECH command at any other time will not cost the cleric 50 MPs.

Mana Points do not return while dead, so it may be wise to keep a reserve of mana when adventuring in dangerous locations.

A special thanks to GM Thandiwe who wrote the beautiful deity-specific messaging with aid from GMs Gyres and Lothwyn.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Cleric/Empath Team

This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Demon RP Verbs and Idle Messaging

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 12/7/2007 9:54:12 PM

The demons summoned by Sorcerers with the spell Minor Summoning (725) have been updated. Previously most interactive verbs were prevented from use with demons. This is no longer the case. All verbs that do not imply physical contact that typically work with creature targets should now work with demons. Most verbs that involve physical contact are still disabled. However, some verbs have special messaging, particularly for the summoner. Many verbs are unique to each of the eight demon subtypes. Additionally, demons now have a large amount of idle messaging.

A special thanks goes out to the players for submitting a fair chunk of the messaging as well as former GM Jharra for writing much of the messaging as well. Also, thank you to former GM Khaladon for his contribution to starting to code this project.

= - GM Oscuro - =

Cleric/Empath Team

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Sorcerer General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


PLACE or DROP -- the choice is yours

Author: GS4-BERNT
Date: 12/7/2007 9:50:40 PM

Sometimes it just doesn't seem right to DROP something rudely on the ground, or toss it idly into your backpack. That's where the new command PLACE comes in! Although PLACE functions in every way like DROP (and PUT), the action will be seen as more careful or reverent.

GM Bernt

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Roleplaying Verb Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Casler Hunting Alive!

Date: 12/7/2007 6:08:22 PM

The Royal Torren Press !
Fairport, County of Torre
Eorgaen 9th, 5107

Casler Huntington Alive!

The name Casler Huntington is familiar to many of our readers, as the scandal of a decade ago is still often spoken of amongst the noble families of Fairport. It had been presumed that the scion of the honorable Huntingtons had been killed off the coasts of Tamzyrr in 5105, when a sudden tempest had sent Huntington and his crew to the depths of the Great Western Sea. However, reports out of River?s Rest, learned down in the dock district by captains who swear to legal practices, is that not only is Huntington alive, but he has been the center of much controversy in the small river town!

In the summer of this year, the Imperial Navy sent to River?s Rest an inspector to confirm rumors that Huntington had resurfaced. After nearly a month of work, the inspector successfully discovered the truth to Huntington?s existence during the midst of a Krolvin raid on the small town. There followed several months of failed attempts to capture the noble turned criminal and to subject him to the silk rope in Tamzyrr for crimes against the empire on the high seas and rivers. Reportedly, Huntington received much aid from the locals, which is not surprising due to the large criminal element known to make the town its home.

What followed next has been unclear at best, but after a series of events, the imperial inspector was murdered by Huntington, who remains at large. Other reports have noted a drop in illegal shipments coming and going through the small town, and there have been several murders of ?river rats,? a name adopted by locals of River?s Rest, in bars and taverns along our fair city?s dock district. No suspects have been found and whispers claim a territorial war has broken out amongst criminal factions on the island. Sources at the palace on Regents Hill claim Count Claybourne has received messengers from the Imperial City that concern the matter of the murder of an imperial official.

Many believe that there is more news to come of events in River?s Rest, and by no means, has the affair of Casler Huntington ended. Due to his former status here in the fair city, the Royal Torren Press will continue to follow all events and transgressions. Undoubtedly, Huntington?s actions will draw attention to the town elsewhere, as others go forth to seek out the truth behind these events and see for themselves, if Casler Huntington, the noble turned criminal, remains alive.

The Huntingtons, particularly, Lord Camler, Master of the Wharf, refused to offer comment on his son?s apparent return. Readers will remember that Lord Camler disowned his son shortly after the scandal in 5097. Lord Camler?s second son, Camler Athworth, is the present heir of the honorable Huntington family.

GM Scribes

This message was originally posted in Towns, River's Rest. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Spiritual Lore Review - Preview

Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 12/7/2007 7:28:16 AM

The conversion to GemStone IV brought many new things to our gaming environment and one important aspect was the inclusion of lores. The intent and design has always been that these skills would offer diversification between characters of the same profession. To further enhance this aspect of Spiritual magic, we have performed a review of the spiritual lores to identify new lore applications. Listed below are some of our planned updates. Please read carefully, as even though this is a lore review, some spells such as Spirit Guide (130) are receiving other updates.

If a spell is not listed and currently has a lore benefit, the benefit will remain as is. If a spell is not listed and currently has no lore benefit, then no new benefit is planned. If a spell is listed, the new benefit will replace the existing benefit unless noted otherwise.

Disease Resist (104):
Training Spiritual Lore, Blessings will increase one's resistance on the second attempt to ward a disease. The rate of increase is +2 at 1 lore rank, and has a maximum of +38 at 190 lore ranks.

Poison Resist (105):
Training Spiritual Lore, Blessings will increase one's resistance on the second attempt to ward a poison. The rate of increase is +2 at 1 lore rank, and has a maximum of +38 at 190 lore ranks.

Spirit Fog (106):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning unlocks an ability at 40 ranks to cause the fog, when cast, to gather around the caster, concealing their form. After thirty seconds, the fog will dissipate, revealing the caster.
* The fog will continue to provide a bonus to hiding and defense while present, regardless of the lore benefit.
* The duration of this spell will be updated to be 1200 + 60 seconds per Minor Spiritual spell rank. If the caster leaves the local area for a while, the spell will dissipate early.

Spirit Warding II (107):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings provides a chance to temporarily experience a +25 boost in a warding attempt. The chance of success is 1% at 10 lore ranks, and has a maximum of 12% at 186 lore ranks.

Locate Person (116):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning allows the caster to locate others in different realms (variant amount required determined by distance). The required lore for distance is broken down into three tiers: adjacent (30), near-adjacent (60), and far (90). An example of adjacent realms is Wehnimer's Landing to the Shadow Lands; near-adjacent is Wehnimer's Landing to Icemule Trace; and far is Wehnimer's Landing to Ta'Illistim. In addition, at 30 ranks of lore, if the caster is present in a room where someone is located, they are able to trace back the magic and identify the origin if they cast the spell with no target within 30 seconds.

Spirit Strike (117):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings allows for a chance for the spell to remain active for an additional attack. The chance is 3% at 5 lore ranks, and has a maximum of 48% at 200 lore ranks. Each subsequent attack reduces the chance by half.

Call Lightning (125):
In addition to the existing benefit, at 80 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning, the spell is able to be cast indoors. Rangers with Nature's Touch (625) active can reduce this number to 40 to cast indoors.

Spirit Guide (130):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning decreases the random range of the landing location.
* This spell will also be updated to factor in Physical Fitness to reduce the number of cycles of the nausea. Spirit Mana Control will reduce the severity of the sickness.

Light (205):
* The duration of this spell will be updated to be 1200 + 60 seconds per Major Spiritual spell rank. If the caster leaves the local area for a while, the spell will dissipate early.

Darkness (206):
* The duration of this spell will be updated to be 1200 + 60 seconds per Major Spiritual spell rank. If the caster leaves the local area for a while, the spell will dissipate early.

Living Spell (208):
* Training in Spirit Mana Control will decrease the required mana to cast a stolen spell at the rate of 1% per 2 ranks. The resultant mana cost is rounded up, with a minimum cost of 1.

Untrammel (209):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings unlocks an ability at 10 ranks to create a persistent effect upon the caster. The duration is 600 + 30 seconds per Major Spiritual spell rank. While active, the caster will receive a second attempt (warding or maneuver) to avoid being webbed.

Silence (210):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning unlocks an ability at 20 ranks which allows the caster to silence multiple targets with a single cast. Each additional target beyond the first requires an additional 20 lore ranks.

Bravery (211):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings unlocks an ability at 50 ranks to cast a group version of the spell which lasts 60 seconds.

Interference (212):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning increases the penalty to a target's defense when attempting to ward a follow-up spiritual spell at a rate of +1 at 5 lore ranks, and has a maximum of +16 at 200 lore ranks.

Heroism (215):
In addition to the existing benefit which boosts the self-cast bonus, training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings unlocks an ability at 65 ranks to cast a group version of the spell which lasts 60 seconds.

Frenzy (216):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning increases the penalty to a target's defense when attempting to ward this spell at a rate of +1 at 1 lore rank, and has a maximum of +19 at 190 lore ranks.

Mass Interference (217):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning increases the penalty to a target's defense when attempting to ward a follow-up spiritual spell at a rate of +1 at 5 lore ranks, and has a maximum of +16 at 200 lore ranks.

Spell Shield (219):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings unlocks an ability at 80 ranks to cast a group version of the spell which lasts 120 seconds.

Prayer of Holding (301):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Religion increases the spell's strength when a target is held.

Smite/Bane (302):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Religion increases the minimum and maximum damage when mana is infused.

Holy Bolt (306):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Religion unlocks an ability at 30 ranks which causes an acidic degeneration against undead when the target is hit.

Benediction (307):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings, provides for a chance for the group to receive a +15 AS bonus on a given attack. The chance of success is 1% at 6 lore ranks, and has a maximum of 15% at 195 lore ranks.

Well of Life (308):
In addition to the existing benefit, training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings decreases the Cleric's recuperation period by one second per rank.

Neutralize Curse (309):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings increases the spell strength when attempting to neutralize a curse.

Remove Curse (315):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings increases the spell strength when attempting to remove a curse.

Curse (715):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning increases the spell strength of a curse when used on items.

Healing spells (1102 - 1105, 1111 - 1115):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings provides for a chance for a scar to be healed when a rank 1 wound is cured. The chance is based upon the area and severity of the scar and can be broken down into 12 tiers. Each tier requires 10 additional lore ranks than the previous tier to unlock, and the chance of success is 20% + 0.5% per rank above the required tier.

Example: You have a rank 1 limb wound and no preexisting scar. It will require 10 ranks of lore to have a chance at no scar when the wound is healed. If there was a rank 2 scar on the limb, it would then take 50 lore ranks. If there was a rank 3 scar on the limb, it would then take 90 lore ranks.
Example: You have a rank 1 limb wound and no preexisting scar. It will require 10 ranks of lore to have a chance at no scar when the wound is healed. If there was a rank 2 scar on the limb, it would then take 50 lore ranks. If there was a rank 3 scar on the limb, it would then take 90 lore ranks.

Scar Rank -
Wound Location -Required Lore Threshold




In addition, the formula of Mental Lore, Transformation reducing healing roundtime will be revisited. Level will no longer be a factor; it will now use Empathic spell ranks (capped at level). The previous reduction based upon level, and now spell ranks, will be slightly less than what it was before. However, the reduction based upon Transformation lore will increase to one second for every three ranks.

Adrenal Surge (1107):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings unlocks an ability to restore lost stamina when cast. At 15 lore ranks, 25 stamina is stored. At 35 lore ranks, 50 stamina is restored. At 65 lore ranks, all stamina is restored. There is a cooldown period of 5 minutes when using this benefit.

Empathic Assault (1110):
* The current benefit when using Mental Lore, Divination will be replaced by Mental Lore, Manipulation. The current benefit when using Mental Lore, Manipulation will be replaced by Mental Mana Control.

Cry for Help (1116):
Training in Mental Lore, Telepathy will unlock an ability at 30 ranks so that the target will be able to observe the caster for a short duration rather than just an instantaneous glimpse. This will enable the target to see and hear the actions going on in the area in which the Empath cast this spell.

Herb Production (1118):
Training in Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning allows the caster to specify an herb for an attempt to produce it. The rarity of the herb affects the chance of success.

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team

"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Developer's Corner - Spell Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.
