Final ticket release for Ebon Gate event auction-level tickets

Date: 9/25/2006 1:20:07 PM

I have accepted a player suggestion and warped it to my own method for addressing the release of the last six tickets. I'm going to be using the suggestion of the raffles set around the lands (and they are set out at this time) but with a twist due to limitations in the system.

The in-game raffle system is not going to determine the winners of the tickets because it has a limitation which requires characters to be logged into the game at the time of drawing in order to be chosen as a winner. However, I will be using the records kept by this system for each individual character which purchases a ticket for the raffle to determine the homes of the last six tickets.

The raffle tables have been set down in each major town in the following locations:

Wehnimer's Landing - Town Square, Small Park
Icemule Trace - Icemule Trace, North Gate
Teras Isle - Dragonspine and Krodera
Solhaven - Solhaven, North Market
River's Rest - River's Rest, Town Commons
Ta'Illistim - Ta'Illistim, Sapphire Gate
Ta'Vaalor - Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court
Zul Logoth - Zul Logoth, Agate Tunnel
Four Winds Isle - Wisteria Crossing

The cost of the tickets is 1000 silvers in-game. Any accounts which already have an auction-level ticket for the Ebon Gate event will be disqualified and forfeit their 1000 silver entry. Only one character upon an account can win a ticket, so if you enter with multiple characters upon your account and multiple characters are randomly drawn as a winner, only the first character will be listed as a winner and the other characters removed from contention. The tables are set to close down at approximately 1PM Central time on Friday, September 29, 2006. The winning accounts will be responsible for the cost of the ticket, as these are not free tickets. The winners will be contacted via e-mail and have until the end of business (8PM Central) on Wednesday, October 4, 2006, in which to respond back with their intentions to purchase the tickets or they will be released and no further contests will be provided for them.

Good luck everyone.

GameMaster Antavian
GemStone IV Feedback Coordinator

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.