Simutronics Office Closing Early 30 Nov 2006

Date: 11/30/2006 1:57:32 PM

They are experiencing a severe winter storm in St. Louis. They have had some power fluctuations and with the ice and freezing rain they are experiencing, and could lose power.

The Billing and Feedback Departments will close before 4PM EST, but the games will all remain running through our generator, though storms like this can cause that to fail.

Hopefully they will reopen tommorrow morning on time, depending on the severity of the weather.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


All your cookies are belong to us.

Societies Update

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 11/28/2006 4:06:30 PM

Both societies recently received significant behind-the-scenes updates during this afternoon's game reset. These changes deal mostly with code and data storage optimization, and should be invisible to most players. If you do notice any problems with anything society related, however, please either post them in the appropriate society folder or use the BUG command in game (please use following bug format: BUG OTHER;Societies;[detailed description of the problem]).


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Council of Light - General Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Adventurers' Rest Remodeled

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 11/26/2006 1:32:20 PM

Due to the recent inconveniences caused by an abundance of water creatures in Kharam Dzu, town officials have opted to spend a bit of the "town improvement" funds to do some remodeling in the Adventurers' Rest.

Some new items have been added to the menu, as well as jazzing up the recipes for some old items. Chairs have been added to the Deck for your comfort, and drinks may be ordered from that lovely spot, as well!

Please aquaint yourself with Shorga, our new barmaid, who has worked her poor stubby fingers nearly to the bone wiping up after the recent flood.



This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Holiday Scents Around Elanthia

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 11/25/2006 4:18:10 PM

Having arranged a deal during the Festival of the Reunion for special bulk pricing, a nameless merchant will be moving a green pavillion tent around Elanthia selling oil lamps and scented oils for the next several weeks.

The tent will start its travels in Wehnimer's Landing on 11/25 and move around the lands every few days.

This message was originally posted in Towns, General Towns Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Giantkin Gathering!

Date: 11/20/2006 5:19:54 PM

Attention all Giantkin! Have you longed to find out more about your clan or tribe? What do you know about Saramar runes? Do you yearn to learn more about your people, their origins and their cultural practices?

As a player, how do you envision the giantman race? Do you feel existing documents give you enough background to work with when developing your character? What areas of giantman culture would you like to see explored in more depth?

On Friday, the 24th of November, a public meeting will be held to discuss all these things and more! I'll be on hand, as current Giantman Guru, to answer your questions, discuss upcoming projects, and listen to your thoughts regarding these bold adventurers. Tents will appear throughout the lands, around 9:00 PM EST that evening, to take you to the meeting site.

Until then, if you have any specific topics you'd like addressed at the assembly, please be sure to post them in the Giantkin folder within the Races of Elanthia category. If you'd like to send something to me directly, you can e-mail me at


This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Giantkin. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Gemshops Renovated Across Elanthia

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 11/17/2006 10:39:25 PM

Remarkably, the owners of the gemshops in Wehnimer's Landing, Teras Island, Solhaven, River's Rest, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor, Cysaegir and Four Winds Island have all decided to expand their businesses at the same time. Representatives from the Elanthian Modern Merchanting Standards and Practices Society were unavailable to address the issue of possible collusion, but since the changes seem to benefit the consumer, it is unlikely the issue will be pursued.

In the past, treasure items sold to the gemshops never appeared on the open market, apparently being passed to private collectors. Gem merchants are now seeking a larger clientele. From now on all items, except unset gems, will appear for resale on tables found in the shops. The tables will separate items into the magical and non-magical.

Elementalists will be able to investigate the properties of the items with Elemental Detection.

GM Fazli has been hanging out with the gemshop owners recently. Should the Elanthian Modern Merchanting Standards and Practices Society investigate the remarkable coincidence of all gemshop owners simultaneously making the same changes, it is likely GM Fazli will be brought in for questioning.


This message was originally posted in Towns, Town Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.

New Assistant Product Manager

Author: HJ-ERIC
Date: 11/17/2006 3:27:43 PM

Simutronics is pleased to announce that GM Kitrina has been promoted to the newly created position of Assistant Product Manager (APM). In this role, Kitrina will assist the Product Manager in leading the GemStone IV organization.

GM Kitrina, or Kia as she is known amongst both staff and players, was originally hired as a communications liaison for the development team, supporting the transition from GemStone III to GemStone IV. From there, she was promoted to Senior GameMaster of events, leading a team that successfully planned and implemented several large scale events.

Along with her experience as a player and GameMaster, Kia brings over 6 years of project management experience and an advanced degree in communications.

The first task for our new APM will be to work with the staff to create a vision for 2007 and beyond. You can expect this to be announced shortly after the first of the year.

Acting Producer, GS4

Zirconia's Gem Shop/Bounty Tasks

Author: GS4-TOLLI
Date: 11/17/2006 1:17:59 AM

I just wanted to let you all know that Zirconia's Gem Shop got a bit of a face lift tonight. Also, Zirconia has brought in a few employees and she is now overseeing them in the front room of the shop.

Because of that, when you're assigned a bounty task of collecting gems in Icemule, you will need to talk to Zirconia about it in the FIRST ROOM of the shop (the same room where the gems are sold).

If you would like to order custom jewelry, that service is still available in the alcove. Zirconia will simply step into the alcove with you to discuss any custom pieces :)


(cross posted to the Adventurer's Guild/Bounty topic)

This message was originally posted in Towns, Icemule Trace. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Premium Point Web Page Updated

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 11/15/2006 11:12:58 PM

Onsite has updated the Premium Point Web Page for us. This means you can tell at a glance how many premium points it will take to enchant your longsword or put unique actions on your hat. is the place to go!

Thanks to the web wizards in St. Charles!


This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Benefits. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Account Sharing

Date: 11/14/2006 7:49:26 PM

This has been said before, but based on the past two weeks it obviously needs to be said again. Don't share your account. If we find someone using your account who has been terminated or is locked out, youraccount will also be terminated or locked out.

As the account holder, you are responsible for what happens on, and who uses, your account. If they use your account and do something to get the account locked out, it's you who doesn't get to play.

If you are sharing your account, I strongly reccomend changing your password right now. There are going to be accounts that will be barred, and changing the password and not giving it out will be taken into consideration.


Raechaer the Alchemist Opens Shop in Cysaegir

Author: GS4-TOLLI
Date: 11/12/2006 7:22:45 PM

...or ask and ye shall receive?

So, as it turns out, Archmage Raechaer had moved to Cysaegir some months ago and had set about preparing to open an alchemist shop. Seeing as the town lacked such goods, she felt it would be an excellent investment. Unfortunately, just before opening a large boulder rolled in front of the entrance and prevented access to her shop (she knew she shouldn't have built underground anyhow).

After a journey to nearby Zul Logoth, Raechaer returned with a team of dwarven miners who removed the boulder for her, allowing her to open shop. Rachaer is now proud to invite all patrons to her Grand Opening.

You can find the entrance to her shop through an oval-shaped hole in the wall in the Cysaegir Cave area, just down the tunnel from Urgaen's Pawnshop.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Cysaegir. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Player Run Shops: Paladin-bonded Weapons.

Author: GS4-SLEKEN
Date: 11/12/2006 6:13:51 PM

Players will no longer be able to put paladin-bonded weapons up for sale in player run shops.

GM Sleken

"In a time of need he spoke to a rock, not with his lips, but his mind, and the rock wept tears of fresh ale, but his thirst was never quenched."

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Player-Run Shops. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Kharam Dzu Locksmith Shop Cleans Up

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 11/8/2006 6:51:59 PM

The infamous Kniknak Sneakyfeet is proud to announce (well ok, not proud, but we made him do it anyhow) the addition of a BIG EMPTY BOX to his dismal little shop!

Please note, you may want to take the coins and treasures out of your coffers before placing them in said box.


This message was originally posted in Towns, Kharam Dzu. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Hearthstone Manor's Legend's Bar Recognizes Paladins

Date: 11/5/2006 3:25:46 PM

The proprietors of Hearthstone Manor's Legend's Bar would like to recognize the first Paladin to achieve the "Legendary" title. Displayed in a place of honor upon a new shelf, a goblet has been crafted to reflect the personality and name of this distinguished adventurer. All are invited to visit the Legend's Bar to view this recent addition!

Congratulations to Limper Guardmane in Prime and Oengus McAntrim in Platinum!

Note: The new goblets will be simply decorative in nature, due to the evolution of the game since the first Legends were recognized and the relative ease with which the "Legendary" title can now be achieved. Without demeaning the accomplishments of these paladins in any way, it was felt that the goblets earned by Legendary individuals from the original eight professions should remain unique and special in their own way.


This message was originally posted in Towns, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.

When does the festival close?

Date: 11/2/2006 4:58:06 PM

Hey all!

I hope you're enjoying Ebon Gate: The Return of Velathae as much as we've enjoyed putting it together for you!

The festival technically "closes" on Friday night at 9:30pm EST (read: not likely to be merchants after this time), but I will leave it open for you to do your last minute shopping (and digging!) until Sunday night.

Do not forget to pick up your alteration scroll.


~ Kitrina

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.