Giantkin Gathering!

Date: 11/20/2006 5:19:54 PM

Attention all Giantkin! Have you longed to find out more about your clan or tribe? What do you know about Saramar runes? Do you yearn to learn more about your people, their origins and their cultural practices?

As a player, how do you envision the giantman race? Do you feel existing documents give you enough background to work with when developing your character? What areas of giantman culture would you like to see explored in more depth?

On Friday, the 24th of November, a public meeting will be held to discuss all these things and more! I'll be on hand, as current Giantman Guru, to answer your questions, discuss upcoming projects, and listen to your thoughts regarding these bold adventurers. Tents will appear throughout the lands, around 9:00 PM EST that evening, to take you to the meeting site.

Until then, if you have any specific topics you'd like addressed at the assembly, please be sure to post them in the Giantkin folder within the Races of Elanthia category. If you'd like to send something to me directly, you can e-mail me at


This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, Giantkin. To discuss the above follow the link below.