Author: GS4-VARULV
Date: 12/19/2006 6:10:11 PM


pcalc {service}
Calculate the point cost for a service on your current premium alteration scroll.

{service} must be one of:
flare (Add flares to the item)
enchant (Add +5 to the item)
pad (Add heavy crit or damage padding to the item)

>pcalc enchant
You must have a valid alteration scroll in your hands before calculating costs.

>take scroll
You pick up an alterer's scroll for altering your short sword.

>pcalc enchant
You have 1300 points available.
It will cost 500 points to enchant a short sword.
All point costs are estimates until Sadie has a chance to examine the item. Some items may have restrictions that will not allow certain services.

Enjoy, and please post any questions.


This message was originally posted in Four Winds Hall, Benefits. To discuss the above follow the link below.
