Date: 12/2/2006 3:11:25 PM
Hear ye, hear ye!
In response to a recent petition, not to mention numerous missives directed to the attention of the Mayor, the following proclamation has been issued:
>Greetings, Citizens of Wehnimer's Landing! The terrible damage done to our beloved Raging Thrak Inn has too long stood as a reminder of the ravages of war. No longer will we allow this sad state of repair to blemish such a fine historical landmark. Effective immediately, the Town Council will be accepting proposals for repairs and renovations of the Trophy Room.
>When submitting said proposals, citizens should bear in mind the overall atmosphere of the Inn, the proud heritage and history of this fine establishment, and the appeal to future guests whose silvers will compensate the town for its redecorating efforts. Each citizen may enter the contest only once. The contest will remain open for a fortnight, at which time all entries will be reviewed by the Town Council and a winner selected. Prizes will be awarded for the five submissions that garner the most votes.
>More information will be announced soon, through the usual sources.
>Signed by me this 2nd day of Eorgaen, 5106,
>Stennis, Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing
OOC: A contest is being held to repair the damage done to the Trophy Room of the Thrak Inn during recent wars. The contest is only open to those individuals who hold primary citizenship in Wehnimer's Landing. Each citizen may submit one entry (that's one entry per account). Entries will be accepted by e-mail, at, for the next two weeks. The contest will close on 12/15/2006. Winners will be selected by staff members and prizes awarded for the top five entries.
Grand Prize: A basic item alteration and your choice of either a) a feature alteration or b) a customized "swear" verb. Normal alteration rules apply.
Runner-up Prizes: A basic item alteration. Normal alteration rules apply.
Things to keep in mind: The room description should be no more than 500 characters in length, including spaces and punctuation. Imagine a photographic snapshot of a room and describe what the room contains or what a person would see in the snapshot, not what they might feel or imagine. The room furnishings should be similar in nature to other furnishings found in the Inn and/or invoke the image of a medieval setting. Tribute can be paid to the past, but ICE age terms should not be used in your submission.
Prime and Platinum entries will be judged separately.
Your entry should include the following information:
Game Instance: (GS4 Prime or Platinum)
Character Name: (Name of the character who will accept the prize, if selected as a winner)
Description: (How you would like the room to look as well as any features you'd like to add, such as a wastebasket, working firelplace, etc.)
Good luck!
This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.