Wehnimer's Bakery Seeks New Recipes

Date: 12/15/2006 4:56:18 PM

The Fessel family has been making and selling the same food items for generations and they're bored! Not only that, but they've noticed a marked decline in business over the past few years. After a lengthy family conference, much shouting, and a very messy pastry fight, they've agreed it's time for a change.

Following the lead of Mayor Stennis, with the recent contest for redecorating the Thrak Inn, Gert Fessel has decided to jump on the bandwagon. And, opportunist that he is, Gert's even managed to talk the Mayor's staff into handling all the mail for him. Thus, effective immediately, Gert has announced his own contest!

1) Entries will be accepted from Wehnimer's Landing citizenry only. Full citizenship is required and will be verified.
2) Only one entry per "family" (i.e. account).
3) Food suggestions must fit the 15/15/15 (article,adjective,noun) format. If you're unsure about how this works, type ALTER in game.
4) Food suggestions should include an idea of how the item will taste (sweet? tart? sugary? spicy?).
5) Submissions MUST include: a) Character name and b) Game instance (GS4 or Plat).
6) Entries must have a subject line of Bakery Contest and be submitted at GS4TrophyRoom@aol.com.
7) All food items should be in genre and contain reasonable ingredients (i.e., no M&M cookies, pizza rolls, PopTarts, etc.).
8) Submissions should be foods traditionally found in a bakery (breads, cakes, pastries, pies, cookies, etc.).

Prime and Plat will be judged separately. Entries will be voted upon by GS4 Staff. The prize for the top five entries will be a standard item alteration (see alteration rules) and a baker's dozen of your food item (to enjoy or share with others) one week prior to it being added to the bakery menu. Entries will be accepted from now through the end of the year (12/31/2006).

Here's a chance to get your favorite baked goods sold right in your own home town!


This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.
