Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 1/22/2007 4:44:44 PM
The CONVERT verb has undergone a few changes. If you are already converted to a deity, typing CONVERT will now display the Elanthian date you converted to that deity. Additionally, it will note the number of times you have used Intercession to convert to a new deity beyond "freebie" converts.
With the release of Intercession, it is now possible for clerics to convert players to deities. Thus, starting a month from today, that is, on 2/22/07, the ability to CONVERT SET to a deity will be allowed once if you do not yet have a deity and will be removed if you already have one. Please make a deity selection using CONVERT before this time, or seek out a cleric who can cast Intercession.
= - GM Oscuro - =
Empath/Cleric Team
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