GemStone IV: 2007

Author: GS4-Kitrina
Date: 1/15/2007 1:55:34 PM

Happy New Year from the GemStone IV staff!

Now that we've all gotten a chance to settle into 2007 a bit, I would like to communicate the vision for the future of GemStone IV and highlight some of the fantastic projects we have in store for you this year.

The vision for GemStone IV can be broken down into three major areas: Renewal, Community and Growth.

Before we can move forward, we must first recognize where we have been. This recognition introduces the concept of renewal, which is the main focus of the vision for 2007. With a renewed strength and commitment, we will be returning to a balance between game mechanics and events, storylines and roleplay.

In addition to new and enhanced systems and events, you'll notice a prioritization of intimate, community-based storylines and roleplay. These types of ongoing events are part of what makes GemStone IV so immersive and unique.

When I first logged into GemStone III, I was initially drawn in by the wonderful descriptions of the world around me. As I made my way, I began to enjoy the hunting aspect of the game. From there, I was obsessed with the extraordinary way in which we can customize our characters and was absolutely thrilled when I received my very first alteration. What I didn't expect, and what I have found to be my strongest bond to GemStone IV, is the community.

Roleplay, game mechanics, and character customization aside, the community of GemStone IV is what holds it all together. It is our strength and as such, is something we must continually care for and build upon.

Within the game, we will utilize new systems and prioritized support for our player organizations (CHE, PRO, ALAE, Mentors), enhanced communication with the ESP (crystal amulet) system, and most importantly, ongoing, unique roleplay opportunities in our towns communities.

Outside of the game, we will continue to encourage discussion on the forums, support our player sites with new artwork and buttons, create a section of the website for player-submitted art and writing, and enhance the community experience via online software (such as MySpace & IRC chats).

While player retention is always on our minds, one of my goals is to prioritize the growth and future of GemStone IV by introducing initiatives that will let others outside our community know we're here. GemStone IV can be the best game in the world, but if we don't let anyone know, it doesn't really matter.

Beyond advertising, our website is in the process of getting re-organized to be more useful to new player and long time player alike. We want you to be proud to show off the GemStone IV website to your friends and family when you're answering those familiar new player questions after helping enroll them in the Buddy Program. We want you to be able to easily find and access documents on such things as Player Shops, Enchanting, or Half Elves.

While this vision will not be realized over night, it is what we are striving to achieve. GemStone IV will continue to be a successful game in a niche market for many years to come. We will continue to blend a powerful and immersive roleplay community with fun and challenging game mechanics to give you the best online gaming entertainment experience available.

2007 Highlights
In previous years, we released a laundry list of goals that were often broken out quarterly. Due to the nature of goals, some of them were accomplished on time and some of them were not. Others were not accomplished at all. In order to avoid building up expectations that fall to disappointment, we are going to try something new.

Instead of the big list of goals at the beginning of the year, I will be briefly hitting upon some of the highlighted projects for 2007. Not all of the releases will be detailed, but rather a sampling of what we hope to release this year. Throughout the year, you will see announcements regarding releases either before they are released or at the time of release (depending upon the size and nature of the system).

GameMasters will continue to engage you in discussion on their projects, if applicable, so that your thoughts and ideas can be heard. Player ideas are valuable and often incorporated into the systems we release.

The Development Team will be very busy this year, coding and releasing new systems and well as making improvements upon existing systems. Some of the highlights include (but are certainly not limited to):

** Alchemy
** Spells 320, 530, 940
** New hunting areas
** New society
** Mining/smelting
** Premium homes revision
** Unarmed combat revision

The Towns Community Team has shifted their focus away from world development (i.e. creating more areas of the world) to enhancing our existing towns communities with services and roleplay opportunities. Expect to see local storylines and NPC interactions in an effort to increase town loyalty.

Mark your calendars and we'll mark ours! The Events team has a lot of fun in store for you this year:

** January & February: Will Ladrial ever die?!
** March: Someone has returned to Solhaven?
** April: Dragonfly Festival
** July: Four Winds Isle Celebration (in collaboration with the Upsells Team)
** August & September: Arkati here, Arkati there, Arkati everywhere!
** October: Ebon Gate (ticketed festival)
** December: Giantman Festival (in collaboration with the Towns Community Team)

The Upsells Team has many wonderful things in store for both our Premium and Platinum members. Without giving away too many surprises (or they'd kill me!), I can mention the Premium hunting areas, locker upgrade, Premium Points review, and Platinum auction. Platinum will also have several unique roleplay events.

ALL of these efforts are supported most excellently by our fabulous QC & Training Team.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, 2007 Goals Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.