Date: 1/30/2007 4:11:36 PM
So lemme 'splain...
We are in an interesting position this year. Probably even moreso than last year.
As pretty much everyone knows (we know you know because people keep reminding us), we took last year off from doing a Con because everything in the office was so hectic and crazy because of all the work on Hero's Journey. The idea was that we'd take time off and by this year, we'd all be in grand shape to have a Con and, most likely, have HJ out the door and the Con would be insanely huge.
Then, something weird happened. As we talked to more publishers about HJ, they kept asking what engine we were using. When we told them which engines we looked at, tried, and ultimately passed over, choosing to make our own, they wanted to see it. Then the really weird thing happened because then they started wanting to buy it. So on a whim, we went to the Game Developers Conference and showed off Hero Engine and then the floodgates opened. Since last year's GDC, we've had at least one (and as many as 4) companies here at the Simutronics Compound each month and/or had an Away Team flying out to another company's offices to give demos. Many of you also know we signed our first licensing deal with BioWare, who will be using Hero Engine on their upcoming game, but we have also got several other deals already in various stages of completion which you'll find out about soon.
So now we're in a quandry, because NOW we're not only working on HJ and swamped, but now we're working on HE and even more swamped. HOWEVER...
We still want to do a Con because, frankly, we missed you guys last summer. :(
There are a lot of unknowns still. We don't know how big its going to be, mostly because we don't know how many of you are going to come. Part One of figuring that out starts now, since I'm putting up a poll that will ask you to choose between some potential Con dates and we'll go from there. Our Planning Committee is going to be a lot smaller this year (like...just me, for right now) so I'll be asking for and relying on GMs and some of you guys to help out in certain areas, but for now, let's start by figuring out when we're gonna do this thing!
The poll is up so everyone, please take a moment to answer it, even if you aren't going to make it!