Wehnimer's Landing Town Assembly Rescheduled

Date: 1/19/2007 6:21:32 PM

Due to circumstances beyond his control, Mayor Stennis will be unavailable for the "Town Assembly" scheduled for the evening of the 19th of this month. With deepest regrets and apologies, the Mayor has requested that the "Assembly" be moved to the evening of the 26th. In the meantime, the Mayor will continue his investigation into allegations of impropriety on the part of the constable. All citizens of Wehnimer's Landing are invited to attend the rescheduled "Assembly" to discuss issues important to the future of the town.

(Citizens may suggest items for the "Assembly" agenda by posting in the Wehnimer's Landing folder of the message boards.)


This message was originally posted in Towns, Wehnimer's Landing. To discuss the above follow the link below.
