Date: 4/14/2007 2:51:08 PM

The complete surname system is drawing near to being released, which will give players the capability to create new last names for their characters or change their last name to something else. Before that happens, we offer a reminder to those who already possess a last name to register it with the surname clerk in your local town.

Q: Do I HAVE to register my name?
A: No, registration is completely optional and no existing surname will be revoked from a character on the grounds of lack of registration.

Q: Then why bother?
A: Registration gives you exclusive control of the name, preventing others from taking it for themselves. If your surname is not registered, anyone else will be capable of claiming it and registering it for themselves, thereby preventing you from sharing your name with others (except in spousal situations).

Q: Oh. How do I do it?
A: Find the surname registry clerk in any town hall and ASK CLERK TO REGISTER if you have never done so, or ASK CLERK TO RENEW to extend your registration period by one year.

Q: What happened to that yearly reminder we were supposed to get?
A: The 30-day notice of the expiration of registrations will be activated when the rest of the surname system is deployed.

Q: Cost?
A: Initial registration and subsequent renewals will cost 100,000 silvers for Basic subscribers, 10,000 for Premium and Platinum subscribers.

Q: How about a refund for those of us who registered 2-3 years ago and never got anything out of it?
A: No refunds, HOWEVER: Starting today and ending when the full system is released, renewals on existing registrations will be free of charge. No registration that was ever made in the past has been deleted yet, so if you have ever registered your character's name, you're eligible for a free renewal during this time.

Q: When, oh WHEN is the system coming out?

This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, Announcements. To discuss the above follow the link below.