Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 5/10/2007 6:35:56 PM
Over the course of the global creature generator review, some creatures were deemed to be inappropriate for certain areas in which they were generating. Reasons spanned from an excess of different creatures all occupying the same area, to the creatures' levels being much too high or low for the other regularly generating creatures in the environs, among others.
Therefore, the following creatures have been shifted:
Wehnimer's Landing Area:
- Cave nippers moved from the Mine in Upper Trollfang to the Sea Caverns.
- Cave gnomes removed from the Mine in Upper Trollfang (still generating in the Catacombs and Gnoll Lair/Gnome Mine in the Upper Dragonsclaw).
- Troglodytes moved from the Mine in Upper Trollfang to the Gnoll Lair/Gnome Mine in the Upper Dragonsclaw.
- Spectral monks removed from Castle Varunar (still generating in the Monastery).
Teras Isle Area:
- Skayls moved from one portion of the Volcano, to the Eye of V'tull with lava golems and fire elementals.
Icemule Trace Area:
- Ice trolls removed from the Sleeping Lady Mountains (still generating on the Glatoph and the Ice Plains).
- Ice hounds removed from the Sleeping Lady Mountains (still generating on the Icemule Trail).
- Frozen corpses added to the Sleeping Lady Mountains. As an alternate path to Pinefar has not yet been established, these frozen corpses will not exhibit the Sheer Fear mechanic that is typically characteristic of undead creatures.
The above changes will also be reflected in any newly assigned Adventurer's Guild task related to the above areas. Additionally, numerous rarely generating creatures have been removed from the Adventurer's Guild's task lists.
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.