Quick Survey About Your Playstyle

Date: 5/4/2007 12:48:02 PM

A student from Tilberg University in the Netherlands contacted me today and asked me to share this with our players. For those of you familiar with Richard Bartle, this student is working on a his own research project, studying Bartle's Theories about gamers and playstyles.

I've taken the survey myself and who knows, you might win a Gift Certificate.

Here's the info if you'd like to participate:

"Are you always trying to achieve the highest status on a MUD or do you rather find out everything there is to know about the MUD world? Are you trying to make friends among your fellow players or do you rather slice their throats and make them feel miserable?" What do people consider fun and rewarding when they are playing their MUD and in what way do these behaviours relate to their character traits in real life.

This survey is part of my research in Leisure Studies at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. As I am a MUD administrator myself (after playing extensively for several years), I am very much interested in the results. Your contribution to this research is extremely valuable and it will only take about 10 minutes of your time to complete the survey. Of course everything you submit will be handled anonymously and with care and will only be used to draw general conclusions about playing styles for my research.

At the end of the survey you can indicate if you want to receive a summary of the results or a full copy of the resulting article. In addition to this, you might be rewarded with a gift certificate for amazon.com of $ 15,-. More information about this will be at the end of the survey. You can find the survey by visiting:


Thanks in advance for your cooperation and time.

Richard van Meurs

So...have at it if you like. If you'd like more info about Bartle and his studies on gaming, check out:

HEARTS, CLUBS, DIAMONDS, SPADES: PLAYERS WHO SUIT MUDS - http://www.mud.co.uk/richard/hcds.htm

Bartle's Website: http://mud.co.uk/richard/


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."

GM[Anti-ESP] Pormithius just killed Caelumia's ESP!

This message was originally posted in Socializing, Survey of the Day. To discuss the above follow the link below.
