Major Sanctuary (220) Updated!

Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 11/13/2007 9:59:55 PM

Major Sanctuary (220) has been updated to include deity-specific messaging for casters that are CONVERTed to a particular god. The messaging upon entering and exiting the sanctuary, as well as the room descriptions themselves, are all affected. This is thanks to the talent of GM Thandiwe and GM Xayle.

Additionally, the duration on Major Sanctuary has been changed from 30 seconds per caster level to a base of 10 minutes + 30 seconds per rank in the Major Spiritual Circle.

The new spell description can be found here:

= - GM Oscuro - =

Empath/Cleric Team

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Major Spiritual Circle. To discuss the above follow the link below.