Author: GS4-ZYLLAH
Date: 2/12/2008 1:11:45 AM
Simutronics does not endorse or encourage the sharing of account passwords. Almost all breaches of account security can be traced back to the sharing of an account password with another "trusted" individual. Passwords should never be given out to anyone, including family members. Simutronics is not liable for reparations when problems on an account occur due to a shared password. Simutronics staff members will never ask for an account password.
GameMasters conduct official GemStone IV business within the live game. Players have a responsibility to protect themselves by doing the same. If you are ever contacted outside of the live game by someone claiming to be a GameMaster, please inform them they must contact you within the game with their GameMaster persona displaying their GameMaster title. Typically, the only official business handled in emails is with Feedback or with GameMasters in charge of such systems as Weddings, the MHO, and the CHE. Even in those instances, if anything sounds questionable or suspicious, ask to meet the GameMaster in person in the game.
Abiding by the above two important policies will ensure that players can rest easy in knowing that their account and characters remain protected and secure. Each player is responsible for the security of his or her account.
This message was originally posted in Help for Players, Policy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.