Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 3/31/2008 7:11:58 PM
Our new servers are up for Testing. Any players who are wanting to have some fun while we're testing out the hardware should log in to the test instance (through the Gemstone Test game link on your login page, or through the GS4 64-bit Prime Test link with the SGE).
Some goodies to make your mayhem more fun:
* the HEALME verb will instantly heal you of all injuries and raise you from the dead
* the Chronomages have been bribed to operate their transporters every minute (instead of every 90 minutes), and are only charging 5 silvers per trip
* All sorts of goodies have been placed around Town Square in Wehnimers Landing. E-bows? Check. Golvern claidhmores? Check. Enhancives? Yeah, we have those, too. Even fixskills potions.
As for bugs and such, you can post them here. We're mostly looking for hardware issues at the moment, but we'll look into coding problems too.
This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, 64-Bit Testing Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.