Author: GS4-ZYLLAH
Date: 3/31/2008 4:37:21 PM

To aid clerics in the use of one of their most precious gifts from the Arkati, Brother Willoughby Hornsmith (old blowhard that he is) has taken time to share with his Brother and Sisters his expertise on Communing. His words of wisdom can be found here:

We hope that this guide will help clerics make better use of one of their highest level spells by giving some ideas of what all goes into a good Commune. Commune is such an unusual spell, since it's entire purpose is a roleplay enhancement to the profession. But sometimes it can feel like trying to roleplay blind when not knowing what's really expected in order to succeed. So hopefully this will help! Along with the spell updates.

Clerics are also always encouraged to speak to other clerics who have successfully Communed in the past to get first hand accounts of their experiences. There is no one right way to Commune, but there are definitely some wrong ways to go about it. ;)


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