Date: 4/1/2008 10:52:20 AM
Your GemStone IV staff are pleased to announce the release of a new playable race: the Abryl'fulz.
Hailing from the dark regions of the V'reen homeworld of Zu'G'l'k'r'k, the Abryl'fulz are the first non-humanoid race available to players. The Abryl'fulz, like many creatures of Zu'G'l'k'r'k, are shapeshifting beings that are planned to arrive in response to our new 'Griffin Sword War III: The Revenge of Ulstram' storyline, which is planned to come to an epic conclusion in 2015.
Plans to release the Abryl'fulz were begun several years ago, during the creation of Gnomes, Aelotoi, and the Erithians. Development staff quickly discovered that GSIV's 32-bit environment was insufficient to support the shapeshifting mechanics on which the new race relies. The advent of 64-bit servers has facilitated this great leap forward. With the unexpected completion of GemStone IV's goals through 2009, members of the Development team decided that the promise of shapeshifters was one that needed to be honored.
Many exciting prospects exist for players of the Abryl'fulz. The "Assume Form" racial ability will allow players to take on almost any shape imaginable: become a vicious liger, experience combat as a deadly willow tree, or terrorize your foes as a gargantuan doom-wombat. These are only a few of the exciting forms awaiting players! The customization of your Abryl'fulz only begins there, however: new feature alteration slots like eyestalks and tendrils will allow each Abryl'fulz to be truly unique.
Abryl'fulz player-characters will be unlocked by a special quest line that begins in Solhaven, accessible to players of level 100 or greater. We feel that the Abryl'fulz are an immensely powerful new addition to GemStone, and will be best kept in the hands of people who have already demonstrated the perseverance and devotion to beat the game.
Speaking at the staff release party, GameMaster Lothwyn commented: "I think the Abryl'fulz release shows people that we are still innovators in the world of game design. This is definitely something that WoW didn't do first."
This message was originally posted in Races of Elanthia, General Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.