What Once Was, Is Once Again in River's Rest

Date: 4/27/2008 2:07:08 PM

Once in River's Rest there was a tale,
Of two lovers from the distant past.
'Tween human and elf, a love beyond the pale,
It was tragically short and did not last.

For years enjoyment was had based upon their lore,
when stone met sand and love recalled.
But then what was three then became the four,
And memory of love was accidentally stalled.

For years the fix languished unintentionally ignored,
No memories or mist to those who dropped the gem.
The journey to the beach soon became quite a bore,
and the tellings began to cease of the love of her and him.

At last, at last, with help from a Teras man,
That which was broken has now been fixed.
At last, at last, there will be footprints in the sand,
When those who care see that stone and sand are mixed.

Bad poetry aside, something has been set back to normal in River's Rest with the thanks of GM Sleken. :)

GM Scribes

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