[WoE] Private Property Raffles Change

Date: 4/7/2008 6:02:40 PM

There's been a change in properties being raffled in the upcoming Wonders of Elanthia event.

After some extensive consideration, and discussion with both Kia and SGM Sirina, I've decided to withdraw the Prestidigitorium from the event raffles. Instead, in the following weeks, I'll make arrangements to open the Prestidigitorium permanently for public access, thereby creating a sort of unique museum. At that point, the Property will be taken off the list of being available to occupants.

Other unoccupied former wizard workshops, such as Kodos' cottage, will likely follow. And, should the others become vacant in the future, they, too, will be opened.

The Dark Tower residence is still up for raffle. In the place of the Prestidigitorium, we're creating a brand new Private Property, one in which the winner will be able to select--barring any objections from appropriate parties--its final destination.

A preview of the interiors, plus a starting monthly rent / raffle price of the new property is coming soon.

SGM Lothwyn

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Wonders of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.
