Creature Loot and Experience Changes

Author: GS4-WARDEN
Date: 5/25/2008 3:08:33 PM

It has long been our objective to reward players for being challenged. Special GM-made items released through creature loot, for instance, could only be found if the player searching the creature could learn from the creature. Our treasure system is also based off of the assumption that underhunted creatures are either relatively hard for their level or are in remote areas, so their treasure is increased while overhunted creatures (assumed to be easy relative to their peers) see reduced treasure.

In an effort to provide greater incentives to group hunt and to try greater challenges, several changes have been implemented regarding experience and creature loot.

* Thanks to GM Strathspey, we have a new-and-improved super-cool loot generator. This expands on the previous generator that would create spiffy weaponry for creatures to use, adding a wide new range of possibilities. Creatures can now be found wielding not only snazzy weaponry, but also shields. Their closely guarded goodies can now include weapons, shields, armor, armor accessories, and jewelry trinkets. The available attributes have also been greatly expanded, now including multi-bonus enhancives, defender items, TD enhancing items, temp bonus items, resistance items, and more. With higher treasure ratings, the greater the potential for exceptional items.

* An improved estimation of relative risk and reward.
== Uphunting by 5+ levels will increase the treasure rating, resulting in a better chance for special goodies and improving the odds for regular loot. The greater the uphunting, the greater the treasure rating modifier.
== Underhunting by 10+ levels will result in a reduction in treasure rating (resulting in no chance for special goodies and a reduced chance for other loot).
== For determination of Uphunting/Underhunting modifiers, all contributing players are factored in. If Bob the 100th level Cleric Binds hill trolls so Billy the 5th level warrior can kill them, the treasure rating factors in that Bob is way underhunting. (Way!) Treasure is no longer based just on the searcher's level.
==++ This last point can be mostly, but not entirely, mitigated if two or more people who can learn from the creature provide the vast majority of the contribution toward the kill.

* Consideration of the number of contributors. If two or more players contribute to the death of a creature, the treasure rating is increased.

In addition to these changes, we have made some changes to help those who want to try their hand at grouping up and uphunting undead. The following spells/abilities will each enhance the player's resistance: Dauntless, Bravery, Heroism, and Symbol of Courage. In each case, the spell/ability causes the player to be treated as if he were 3 levels higher for resistance purposes. The benefits from these spells/abilities are cumulative, e.g., having both Bravery and Heroism active would result in the player being treated as if he were 6 levels higher.

Want to find great treasure and to maximize your chances of finding a special goodie? Find something 10+ levels higher than you that doesn't have a lot of hunting pressure, grab some buddies for the group bonus, and hope to survive!

Anticipated Questions:

Q1: If I'm way higher level (Way!) than a creature I need to kill for alchemy drops, how can I get those drops now?
A1: Relative level and hunting pressure are not factors in determining if an alchemy drop is found. Feel free to lay waste to those sultry sirens for their hair.

Q2: What is a "contributor"?
A2: A contributor is anyone who directly assists in incapacitating, hindering, or killing the creature. This includes Binding, Tackling, Cheapshotting, E-waving, and the like. It does not include indirect assistance, such as spelling up your buddy, Guard or Protect, group-boosting warcries, etc.

Q3: I enjoy taking my capped Empath out with my low level friends to help them hunt. Will my friends have no chance at special goodies if I help?
A3: Weapons and shields wielded by creatures are just as likely to be found regardless of your presence. Outside of that, if your help comes in the form of buffing up your friends or healing, you will have no effect on their chances for loot. If, however, you are Binding, Sympathizing, Unbalancing, or similarly assisting them with killing the creatures, then yes, the creature loot will factor in that you are underhunting significantly.


Disclaimer: The management is not responsible for bards going hoarse from too much loresinging.

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Treasure System. To discuss the above follow the link below.