Torren Guard Routs Krolvin Slavers!

Date: 5/5/2008 1:39:30 PM

The Royal Torren Press
Fairport, County of Torre

Ivastaen 4th, 5108

Torren Guard Routs Krolvin Slavers!

The blood of the Grimswarm had but barely dried when our Count Clayborne issued orders for one of the most celebrated companies of the Torren Guard. They were sent, under the command of Captain Neyla Cavale, to the small river town of River's Rest to apprehend noble-turned-criminal Casler Huntington. By the fortune of Niima, the the Guard arrived during the midst of a Krolvin invasion. They saved River's Rest and its occupants from certain doom. According to sources at the Royal Garrison, it has been years since the Guard clashed against the scourges of the Great Western Sea. Predictably, the blue-skinned monsters proved no match for the elite of Torre and the Turamzzyrian Empire.

The safety of the town secured, sources tell the Royal Torren Press that the Guard will now turn toward their mission of capturing the elusive criminal Casler Huntington. Since the nefarious murder of an Imperial inspector in the Rest last year, there has been an official protest by the Imperial representative in the court of Count Claybourne. The complaint demands that justice be meted out upon the criminal, accompanied by warnings that Tamzyrr will not sit idly by if nothing is done.

The honorable House of Huntington has so far remained quiet on the matter of the wayward son and former heir, who fled Fairport more than ten years ago. However, a servant--who will remain unnamed--has spoken in private about the family's reaction to the news that Casler Huntington was possibly alive and living miles to the south. The source tells that the subject of Casler remains forbidden within the walls of the Huntington's Watch Hill manor.

Casler Huntington remains an enigma. Rumors reported by locals of River's Rest state that he may have fallen or been taken captive during the latest outbreak of Krolvin violence. Should this rumor prove fact, it will likely make the mission of the Torren Guard that much harder to complete. As we all know, it will nevertheless be accomplished by our fair and brave soldiers in blue and buff: the Sword and Shield of Torre.

This information may be of interest to players frequenting the town of River's Rest. Casler Huntington is a local celebrity who has engaged in a number of daring exploits of late, and it seems his journeys are just beginning!


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