LORESING and Elemental Detection (405) Updates.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 6/14/2008 1:07:36 PM

LORESINGing has been updated to allow skilled Bards to determine a few new characteristics from certain items.

When loresinging to a magical or enhancive item, a Bard may now determine whether or not the item will be destroyed when its last magical or enhancive charge has been expended.

When singing to a piece of armor with resistance to a damage type, a proper loresong will coax the level of resistance out of the protective piece.

Finally, Naos has updated both Elemental Detection and loresinging to allow the caster or singer to determine the relative mana capacity of a magic item.


This message was originally posted in Bards, Loresinging. To discuss the above follow the link below.
