Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 6/3/2008 5:12:35 PM
I'm pleased as punch to bring you the following guru announcements:
Effective immediately, GM Auchand is your Solhaven town Guru. Auchand comes with a strong love for Solhaven, and a tremendous amount of vision and enthusiam.
Also effective immediately, GM Korelys and GM Izzea will be co-gurus for Icemule Trace. These ladies are destined to bring a new energy for all those short people up north.
Before you ask, GM Ozias has not left us, he will be working on other projects that fit him better at this time.
Congrats and hurray for our new gurus!
You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.
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