Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 7/7/2008 3:03:05 PM
Following on from the kind offer from the lovely GM Liia, Korelys and I would like to give the folks of Icemule a chance to design the description and messaging for our very own citizen pins! Hurrah!
Rules ahoy:
- Entries should reach us by 07/21/08.
- Entries should be emailed to and (CC both of us.)
- Entries should include a basic 15/15/15 description of the pin, the rules in ALTER apply.
- Entries should also include messaging ideas, such as the Teras pins: ?You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top! You are fondly reminded of home."
- Please include your character name, an email address and which game instance you play (prime or plat.)
The top three entries from each game instance will receive an alteration. The winners will be announced shortly after the closing date.
Post or email with any questions! Good luck!
Izzea and my partner in crime, Korelys.
This message was originally posted in Towns, Icemule Trace. To discuss the above follow the link below.