Date: 7/8/2008 2:33:10 PM
Kwithi Takes a Vacation
Healer Kwithi has hung up her apron for a short time to take a much needed vacation. She noted, upon packing, that the Monsoon season this year seemed to be longer than she remembered and that it was affecting her joints. She requests that everyone visiting Mist Harbor take the utmost of care with their health as she won?t be there to heal you while she is gone.
OOC Note: It appears that Kwithi has a bit of a bug in her. She decided, unbeknownst to us, that if you died near her she was going to send you out of Mist Harbor and into the streets of Ta?Vaalor. Until we can get this bugginess looked at, she?s going to be on hiatus. Please be careful when visiting Mist Harbor during this time.
Thank you!
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre