Date: 7/12/2008 2:16:20 PM
Solhaven's collective religious orders are pleased to welcome two brand new temples and a shrine into their ranks.
Eonak's Temple, having largely fallen into disrepair, was abandoned by the Order of Steel. Due to a deal brokered by Lord Paidreg Venquinor, the land was given to the Order of Voln, where they established a new outpost known as Fasthr's Lance.
Eonak's new religious site, the Temple of Industry, has been built with the aid of several local organizations. In gratitude, the Steel Priests granted leave for a memorial to those lost during the Griffin Sword War.
Significant overhauls have likewise been made to the enclave of the Green Sisters of Imaera, which is now linked to Eonak's by a very special garden.
Huge thanks to GameMaster Galene, who volunteered for and undertook the building of Imaera's Glade when I began these overhauls.
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