Ta'Illistim Guru Announcement

Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 8/13/2008 6:52:06 PM

I am tickled to announce a staffing change that I believe will bring a real spark to our Towns and Communities team:

GM Hadlir is joining us as the new and official guru of Ta'Illistim!

Elves beware.. er, I mean... be joyful and celebrate!

GM Soraya is moving to the Events, Promotions, and Platinum team. Her passion for events makes her a welcome asset to that awesome bunch.

Congrats to both GMs on their new positions!


You tap your invar volcano pin and fiery red sparks and grey ash come out of the top!
You are fondly reminded of home.

This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Illistim. To discuss the above follow the link below.
