Eve of Reunion Festival

Date: 9/19/2008 9:58:30 PM
Come One! Come All! Join the Merchant Consortium as it celebrates the Ebon Gate Festival in the Phantom Village of Velathae. Enjoy mystical treats as you traverse her store laden streets and the wonders of the ghostly residents that are happy to bring you the fruits of their living labors. Wander through the games of the Apple Orchard or through the lovely streets of Wren Estates in search of prizes, treasures, and fun! New and old stores rise from the beyond for one week only! Purchase your ticket today before Velathae fades away!

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre