Date: 10/28/2008 8:45:15 PM
I meant to post this Sunday night, however, I've been a little busy.
The Mayhem Masks of Dame Cirri Strut can be found in the Lorminstra temple.
Now its time for some fun facts!
1) Mayhem masks shift between six different faces.
2) Males see one set of four, while Females see another set. (This is not broken!)
3) To ensure that a male does not wear a sprite, (or a female wears a troll) the masks shift when you wear them (Also not broken!)
4) The masks have two tiers. (Unlockable - or as Tiffidy said Unclickable!)
5) Two faces (the suede and wooden one) can be customized to YOUR specifications.
6) Any merchant can customize OR unlock the masks.
7) Each face of the mask has a loresong that is unique to it. The two customized masks do not. (Also not broken)
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
What Wrath Wind Wraiths Wrought.
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/28/2008 6:08:10 PM
Following a long-deserved blessed boot to the incorporeal rear, the wind wraiths of the Wind Tunnel on Teras Isle have been converted to the Basic Critter System (BCS). This update has made the wind wraith a significantly more formidable opponent, with new messaging, a few new abilities, as well as the sheer fear mechanic inherent to undead creatures on the BCS.
Be prepared as you take the plunge over Lovers' Leap.
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Teras Isle Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/28/2008 6:08:10 PM
Following a long-deserved blessed boot to the incorporeal rear, the wind wraiths of the Wind Tunnel on Teras Isle have been converted to the Basic Critter System (BCS). This update has made the wind wraith a significantly more formidable opponent, with new messaging, a few new abilities, as well as the sheer fear mechanic inherent to undead creatures on the BCS.
Be prepared as you take the plunge over Lovers' Leap.
This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Teras Isle Hunting Areas. To discuss the above follow the link below.
The Bank of Elanith
Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 10/23/2008 6:04:20 PM
>> Withdraw account in form of silvers from whatever
>> bank you're using.
>> Walk to portal to EG, go through portal.
>> Walk to Velathae bank, deposit silvers.
I'll make it easier than that...
With the aid of the Merchant Consortium of Greater Elanith, the bank in Velathae will now draw funds from the account tied to the realm from which you enter the event.
I'll apologize to our Platinum players for not having this feature live this year, as I literally just thought of it tonight. (Before all of this discussion, I might add.)
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/23/2008 6:04:20 PM
>> Withdraw account in form of silvers from whatever
>> bank you're using.
>> Walk to portal to EG, go through portal.
>> Walk to Velathae bank, deposit silvers.
I'll make it easier than that...
With the aid of the Merchant Consortium of Greater Elanith, the bank in Velathae will now draw funds from the account tied to the realm from which you enter the event.
I'll apologize to our Platinum players for not having this feature live this year, as I literally just thought of it tonight. (Before all of this discussion, I might add.)
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Ta'Vaalor Happenings
Author: GS4-ALYIAS
Date: 10/23/2008 1:47:50 PM
>>I was wondering if anyone was going to bring up ol'Ansel :-)
Speaking of that, the Ansel system *didn't* go off like it was supposed to, so there was a bit more damage than there should have been. Plus there's investigations now as to why it didn't go off. Love and happiness is not at the workplace now.
So, first things second, the Guardian Keep opening and ball, along with the rest of my plans, is not cancelled. With EG here, I certainly don't want to run a ball at the same time, so I expect to it afterwards (likely the middle of November). Also, I suspect I will not be able to do it all in one weekend like I had originally planned, so likely the Platinum ball will come first, with the Prime one a week after that. Things are still up in the air, so please do be patient, and I'll post dates as soon as I can nail them down.
Regarding happenings around Vaalor, my current situation is going to put a crimp in it. I'm going to try very hard to timely continue the current storyline lead-ins (Yes, there IS one. Chatter on the boards to keep everyone interested!), and to continue to work on my planned releases, but again, please be patient. They will happen, just not on the timeframe I originally wanted to do them in.
Many thanks to you all.
This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Vaalor. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/23/2008 1:47:50 PM
>>I was wondering if anyone was going to bring up ol'Ansel :-)
Speaking of that, the Ansel system *didn't* go off like it was supposed to, so there was a bit more damage than there should have been. Plus there's investigations now as to why it didn't go off. Love and happiness is not at the workplace now.
So, first things second, the Guardian Keep opening and ball, along with the rest of my plans, is not cancelled. With EG here, I certainly don't want to run a ball at the same time, so I expect to it afterwards (likely the middle of November). Also, I suspect I will not be able to do it all in one weekend like I had originally planned, so likely the Platinum ball will come first, with the Prime one a week after that. Things are still up in the air, so please do be patient, and I'll post dates as soon as I can nail them down.
Regarding happenings around Vaalor, my current situation is going to put a crimp in it. I'm going to try very hard to timely continue the current storyline lead-ins (Yes, there IS one. Chatter on the boards to keep everyone interested!), and to continue to work on my planned releases, but again, please be patient. They will happen, just not on the timeframe I originally wanted to do them in.
Many thanks to you all.
This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Vaalor. To discuss the above follow the link below.
The Narrative History of the Guardians of Sunfist
Date: 10/18/2008 8:35:07 PM
Based on a timeline and events devised by the awesome Oscuro, edited and QC'd by the excellent Xynwen, I provide to you the Narrative History of the Guardians of Sunfist :
The story of the Guardians of Sunfist, like so many in Elanthia, began several thousands of years ago. Deep beneath the earth, it began far from the sight of elves and men, in a war fought over generations. Orc and dwarf struggled for control of the vast underground and the nearly limitless riches it possessed in a conflict that lasted nearly ten thousand years. Out of this epic war a hero emerged, the dwarf Overking Khazi Khazar, founder of the dwarven empire and builder of the legendary city of Kalaza. Greatness rarely walks alone, however, and by his side stood his closest friend and most able general, Angustan Ghesta.
The facts of Angustan Ghesta's youth have been lost, overshadowed by the many myths and hearth-tales surrounding his legend. It is known that Ghesta rose quickly within the ranks of the dwarf armies, due to skill and the violent attrition of the devastating Orc Wars. Not content with the static fighting techniques developed thousands of years earlier, Ghesta developed a new method of combat, taking advantage of the battlefield's natural terrain of mountains and tunnels. His men, trained in this new style of war, wrought devastating defeats upon the orcs and by virtue of his success, Ghesta came to the attention of the rising dwarf king Khazar, and a lifelong friendship was formed.
To Ghesta, Khazar gave the finest of his soldiers to train in the new style of warfare, and thus the storied First Legion of Khazar was born. The legion embodied the finest of dwarven warfare and was given the mission of protecting Khazar, and later, the line of dwarf Overkings. For thousands of years, the First Legion performed its duty, its members constituting the finest of the dwarven race. Under its banner the greatest threats were driven away from the tunnels and undergrounds of the dwarves. So great was the victory, that amongst the orcs and mountain giants, the Legion's emblem was identified with death. Some have gone so far to claim that the word for death in the orc tongue in this present era evolved from the name of the First Legion in the old orcish.
It was of no surprise then, that when the darkness of Despana fell across Elanthia, and the tragedy of ShadowGuard burned the elven soul, that the Overking Gerfroth Khazar selected a great number of the First Legion of Khazar to go forth in battle to answer the plea of help from the East. There was much courage at the Battle of Maelshyve, but also much sorrow, as even the finest warriors are mortal. Only a quarter of those who had left the underground realm returned, and the songs sung in memoriam for the fallen were soon forgotten in the tragedy that befell the dwarves after Maelshyve.
The Red Rot swept through the city of Kalaza and killed far more dwarves than any dark army might aspire, including Gerfroth Khazar. For thousands of years, the First Legion of Khazar had protected the line of Overkings, but with the death of Gerfroth, the line was broken, and Kalaza was sealed, a tomb to her people and to the Overkings. Without home or duty, the First Legion dissolved, its surviving members dispersing to those places thought free of Despana's Revenge.
The largest number of the surviving members belonged to the Toktrog Clan, those dwarves who, led by some innate desire to travel, had often been the natural scouts of the First Legion. As time passed and old ways were lost, only the Toktrog Clan retained the knowledge and fighting techniques of Angustan Ghesta and his First Legion of Khazar. Over the next several centuries, the Toktrogs coupled their magical curiosity and aptitude with their battle-lore and knowledge. Other clans oft held the Toktrog in awe, not realizing that their seemingly miraculous abilities as scouts came in part due to the use of dwarven knowledge other clans had allowed to be forgotten. For under the Toktrog eye, few paths were hidden, and nary an enemy camp left undiscovered. Had the Toktrog Clan been selfish or untowardly protective of their secrets, the present era would have been a different reality, one of more pain and death. However, the Toktrog were of better quality.
It was the autumn of the Sunfist Compact when the legacy of Angustan Ghesta and the First Legion once again began to be taught on a wider scale. In an unprecedented move for dwarves, born from a newfound alliance and trust, the Toktrog shared Ghesta's legacy not just with other dwarves, but with the giantmen as well. Word spread quickly amongst the soldiers of the two races, and increasingly, warriors of the giantmen and the dwarves sought out the practitioners of the First Legion's art for training. So great were their numbers that the dwarves and their giantman allies decided to once again establish the First Legion of Khazar under a new name and banner, the Guardians of Sunfist.
This new society of giantman and dwarf flourished, but on a limited scale. For as much as the techniques of the Guardians of Sunfist attracted warriors of the two races, those who taught it belonged to nomadic clans and to find them and the society required extensive traveling. As a result, the powerful lessons of the Guardians were often restricted to those who shared the nomadic life. However, the fate of the society was not to be of limited reach, for Elanthia changes as monumental events strike our world, as they did in eons past. And change came yet again in the fifty-first century with the return of a forgotten nightmare and G'bruk.
In 5103, nary a realm of Elanthia was without crisis. In the west, deadly morphing creatures plagued the human empire and struck terror in the halfling populations of the north. In the east, the elves were beset by undead terrors and a war that threatened the very balance of life and death. And in the middle of this ever-tightening vise, the dwarves suffered from the rediscovery of a nightmare long thought relegated to unspoken history, the Red Rot. As the disease spread through the dwarven populations, yet another threat beset the people of the Underground. Trolls, in the throes of a mass eastwardly migration, trekked in enormous numbers through the dwarven mountains under the blue comet and spiritual banner of G'bruk.
It was in this time of crises, the Guardians of Sunfist decided to establish a permanent base of operations, a place to train all dwarves and giantmen, regardless of clan or lifestyle. The great dwarven hub of Zul Logoth was selected as the site of the base, perfect in its location in the center of the DragonSpine and as a defensive shield against any foe.
Like many great tales, the crisis that had so consumed Elanthia, which had spurred the Guardians to place themselves in Zul Logoth, were ended not by the actions of many, but that of a few. Before the training of thousands of dwarves and giantmen was complete, the time of strife had mercifully passed. In the process, the Guardians of Sunfist had been changed. From the nomadic society formed in the dawn of Sunfist, the Guardians of Sunfist had risen as the modern protectors not just of dwarves, but of all peoples, and thus, they opened their doors, their knowledge, and their lore to all. Begun with a singular dwarf, companion to a legendary king, revitalized on an autumn hill, and re-envisioned during Elanthia's time of greatest need, the Guardians of Sunfist now carry on their training, open to all to learn, for all to protect.
GM Scribes
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/18/2008 8:35:07 PM
Based on a timeline and events devised by the awesome Oscuro, edited and QC'd by the excellent Xynwen, I provide to you the Narrative History of the Guardians of Sunfist :
The story of the Guardians of Sunfist, like so many in Elanthia, began several thousands of years ago. Deep beneath the earth, it began far from the sight of elves and men, in a war fought over generations. Orc and dwarf struggled for control of the vast underground and the nearly limitless riches it possessed in a conflict that lasted nearly ten thousand years. Out of this epic war a hero emerged, the dwarf Overking Khazi Khazar, founder of the dwarven empire and builder of the legendary city of Kalaza. Greatness rarely walks alone, however, and by his side stood his closest friend and most able general, Angustan Ghesta.
The facts of Angustan Ghesta's youth have been lost, overshadowed by the many myths and hearth-tales surrounding his legend. It is known that Ghesta rose quickly within the ranks of the dwarf armies, due to skill and the violent attrition of the devastating Orc Wars. Not content with the static fighting techniques developed thousands of years earlier, Ghesta developed a new method of combat, taking advantage of the battlefield's natural terrain of mountains and tunnels. His men, trained in this new style of war, wrought devastating defeats upon the orcs and by virtue of his success, Ghesta came to the attention of the rising dwarf king Khazar, and a lifelong friendship was formed.
To Ghesta, Khazar gave the finest of his soldiers to train in the new style of warfare, and thus the storied First Legion of Khazar was born. The legion embodied the finest of dwarven warfare and was given the mission of protecting Khazar, and later, the line of dwarf Overkings. For thousands of years, the First Legion performed its duty, its members constituting the finest of the dwarven race. Under its banner the greatest threats were driven away from the tunnels and undergrounds of the dwarves. So great was the victory, that amongst the orcs and mountain giants, the Legion's emblem was identified with death. Some have gone so far to claim that the word for death in the orc tongue in this present era evolved from the name of the First Legion in the old orcish.
It was of no surprise then, that when the darkness of Despana fell across Elanthia, and the tragedy of ShadowGuard burned the elven soul, that the Overking Gerfroth Khazar selected a great number of the First Legion of Khazar to go forth in battle to answer the plea of help from the East. There was much courage at the Battle of Maelshyve, but also much sorrow, as even the finest warriors are mortal. Only a quarter of those who had left the underground realm returned, and the songs sung in memoriam for the fallen were soon forgotten in the tragedy that befell the dwarves after Maelshyve.
The Red Rot swept through the city of Kalaza and killed far more dwarves than any dark army might aspire, including Gerfroth Khazar. For thousands of years, the First Legion of Khazar had protected the line of Overkings, but with the death of Gerfroth, the line was broken, and Kalaza was sealed, a tomb to her people and to the Overkings. Without home or duty, the First Legion dissolved, its surviving members dispersing to those places thought free of Despana's Revenge.
The largest number of the surviving members belonged to the Toktrog Clan, those dwarves who, led by some innate desire to travel, had often been the natural scouts of the First Legion. As time passed and old ways were lost, only the Toktrog Clan retained the knowledge and fighting techniques of Angustan Ghesta and his First Legion of Khazar. Over the next several centuries, the Toktrogs coupled their magical curiosity and aptitude with their battle-lore and knowledge. Other clans oft held the Toktrog in awe, not realizing that their seemingly miraculous abilities as scouts came in part due to the use of dwarven knowledge other clans had allowed to be forgotten. For under the Toktrog eye, few paths were hidden, and nary an enemy camp left undiscovered. Had the Toktrog Clan been selfish or untowardly protective of their secrets, the present era would have been a different reality, one of more pain and death. However, the Toktrog were of better quality.
It was the autumn of the Sunfist Compact when the legacy of Angustan Ghesta and the First Legion once again began to be taught on a wider scale. In an unprecedented move for dwarves, born from a newfound alliance and trust, the Toktrog shared Ghesta's legacy not just with other dwarves, but with the giantmen as well. Word spread quickly amongst the soldiers of the two races, and increasingly, warriors of the giantmen and the dwarves sought out the practitioners of the First Legion's art for training. So great were their numbers that the dwarves and their giantman allies decided to once again establish the First Legion of Khazar under a new name and banner, the Guardians of Sunfist.
This new society of giantman and dwarf flourished, but on a limited scale. For as much as the techniques of the Guardians of Sunfist attracted warriors of the two races, those who taught it belonged to nomadic clans and to find them and the society required extensive traveling. As a result, the powerful lessons of the Guardians were often restricted to those who shared the nomadic life. However, the fate of the society was not to be of limited reach, for Elanthia changes as monumental events strike our world, as they did in eons past. And change came yet again in the fifty-first century with the return of a forgotten nightmare and G'bruk.
In 5103, nary a realm of Elanthia was without crisis. In the west, deadly morphing creatures plagued the human empire and struck terror in the halfling populations of the north. In the east, the elves were beset by undead terrors and a war that threatened the very balance of life and death. And in the middle of this ever-tightening vise, the dwarves suffered from the rediscovery of a nightmare long thought relegated to unspoken history, the Red Rot. As the disease spread through the dwarven populations, yet another threat beset the people of the Underground. Trolls, in the throes of a mass eastwardly migration, trekked in enormous numbers through the dwarven mountains under the blue comet and spiritual banner of G'bruk.
It was in this time of crises, the Guardians of Sunfist decided to establish a permanent base of operations, a place to train all dwarves and giantmen, regardless of clan or lifestyle. The great dwarven hub of Zul Logoth was selected as the site of the base, perfect in its location in the center of the DragonSpine and as a defensive shield against any foe.
Like many great tales, the crisis that had so consumed Elanthia, which had spurred the Guardians to place themselves in Zul Logoth, were ended not by the actions of many, but that of a few. Before the training of thousands of dwarves and giantmen was complete, the time of strife had mercifully passed. In the process, the Guardians of Sunfist had been changed. From the nomadic society formed in the dawn of Sunfist, the Guardians of Sunfist had risen as the modern protectors not just of dwarves, but of all peoples, and thus, they opened their doors, their knowledge, and their lore to all. Begun with a singular dwarf, companion to a legendary king, revitalized on an autumn hill, and re-envisioned during Elanthia's time of greatest need, the Guardians of Sunfist now carry on their training, open to all to learn, for all to protect.
GM Scribes
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.
ShadowDeath & Digging
Date: 10/17/2008 9:32:45 PM
Oh, yeah. Did I mention that I'm putting ShadowDeath weapons into the digging game this year?
I didn't? Okay. There will be ShadowDeath weapons in the digging game in Prime. There are already some in Platinum. With shade-skinks, this fulfills my yearly shadow quotient.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/17/2008 9:32:45 PM
Oh, yeah. Did I mention that I'm putting ShadowDeath weapons into the digging game this year?
I didn't? Okay. There will be ShadowDeath weapons in the digging game in Prime. There are already some in Platinum. With shade-skinks, this fulfills my yearly shadow quotient.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Ebon Gate Will Give You Friends.
Date: 10/15/2008 9:18:29 PM
That's right, folks. Ebon Gate will give you friends, if you can find the sneaky merchant Ilixil. Consider this your EG teaser from me.
When I say 'friends,' I'm talking about lizards. Made out of shadow. That don't eat no stinkin' crickets. Don't believe me? Take a look:
Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its indigo-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-shade-newt maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of cerulean luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be.
You gently probe the body of the indigo shade-newt. As your fingers press against its oily-slick skin, tiny aurorae ripple outward from the point of contact. They limn the nearby flesh in mother-of-pearl hues that are slow to fade.
Oh, yeah. Did I mention you can also force them to dwell in your skin? In. Your. Skin.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/15/2008 9:18:29 PM
That's right, folks. Ebon Gate will give you friends, if you can find the sneaky merchant Ilixil. Consider this your EG teaser from me.
When I say 'friends,' I'm talking about lizards. Made out of shadow. That don't eat no stinkin' crickets. Don't believe me? Take a look:
Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its indigo-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-shade-newt maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of cerulean luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be.
You gently probe the body of the indigo shade-newt. As your fingers press against its oily-slick skin, tiny aurorae ripple outward from the point of contact. They limn the nearby flesh in mother-of-pearl hues that are slow to fade.
Oh, yeah. Did I mention you can also force them to dwell in your skin? In. Your. Skin.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Traveler's Song (1020) Update
Author: GS4-LUSUS
Date: 10/15/2008 10:54:00 AM
Bards utilizing Traveler's Song to get out of sticky situations will find much more success in landing safely at a drinking establishment, with more noticable leniency at lower levels. The base failure rate for the spellsong remains the same.
Sing gladly with the knowledge that your chance of arriving safely is increased, but keep your pockets filled with silver to pay for those drinks after the trip.
This message was originally posted in Bards, Bard Magic, Spells, and Spellsongs. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/15/2008 10:54:00 AM
Bards utilizing Traveler's Song to get out of sticky situations will find much more success in landing safely at a drinking establishment, with more noticable leniency at lower levels. The base failure rate for the spellsong remains the same.
Sing gladly with the knowledge that your chance of arriving safely is increased, but keep your pockets filled with silver to pay for those drinks after the trip.
This message was originally posted in Bards, Bard Magic, Spells, and Spellsongs. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Mystery Mayhem Troupe Rides Southwest
Date: 10/14/2008 7:39:42 AM
Passing through the snow-enshrouded hills of Ice Mule, the ebon wagon of the Magical Mayhem Troupe has once again been seen beneath the silvery halo of moonlight as it makes its way further south. With the return of the wagon to Western Elanith come magical announcements of where the Troupe will perform its first exemplary show begin to surface!
It has been more than two centuries since the legendary family left the village of Velathae, their departure happening days before the ill-fated night that shrouds that small town in mystery, and now they return to their humble beginnings to pay homage to their meager first stage. Stopping for three nights only, the Troupe will arrive the first night of the festival to bring their special brand of talents, mystery, wonder, and fun to those that travel to the village.
In a highly anticipated return performance, the Troupe expects to perform several marionette-based plays that are certain to entertain and enthrall!
"Dame Cirri Strut's magical Mayhem Troupe!
An extraordinary performance group!
Splendidly famous, it is world renowned.
With magic and wonders that can confound!"
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
PS For those interested, the last count on the masks were:
Prime - 1811 (found)
Plat - 128 (found)
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/14/2008 7:39:42 AM
Passing through the snow-enshrouded hills of Ice Mule, the ebon wagon of the Magical Mayhem Troupe has once again been seen beneath the silvery halo of moonlight as it makes its way further south. With the return of the wagon to Western Elanith come magical announcements of where the Troupe will perform its first exemplary show begin to surface!
It has been more than two centuries since the legendary family left the village of Velathae, their departure happening days before the ill-fated night that shrouds that small town in mystery, and now they return to their humble beginnings to pay homage to their meager first stage. Stopping for three nights only, the Troupe will arrive the first night of the festival to bring their special brand of talents, mystery, wonder, and fun to those that travel to the village.
In a highly anticipated return performance, the Troupe expects to perform several marionette-based plays that are certain to entertain and enthrall!
"Dame Cirri Strut's magical Mayhem Troupe!
An extraordinary performance group!
Splendidly famous, it is world renowned.
With magic and wonders that can confound!"
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
PS For those interested, the last count on the masks were:
Prime - 1811 (found)
Plat - 128 (found)
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Spell Nativity
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 10/13/2008 9:06:41 PM
As previously announced a few months ago, all spell circles will now test for nativity when determining lore benefits. When calculating lore ranks, it will now use effective lore ranks, which is calculated by determining if the spell is native to the caster. If the spell is not, then Major spell circles will apply a divisor of 2 and Profession spell circles will apply a divisor of 3. Mana Controls will also test nativity and apply a divisor of 2 to all outside casters (although Raise Dead (318) is exempt from this rule). Minor spell circles are not subject to this design. For example, if a Sorcerer was casting Bless Item (304) from a scroll, only 1/3 of their Spiritual Lore, Blessings lore ranks would count for the lore benefit. Enhancive items which grant spell knowledge do consider the caster as knowing the spell, so full lore ranks do count.
In addition, some spells were previously not providing the full documented spell duration when invoked from a magical item or an arcane symbol (especially Ranger spells). This has now been normalized for all spells.
GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne
This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Magic Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/13/2008 9:06:41 PM
As previously announced a few months ago, all spell circles will now test for nativity when determining lore benefits. When calculating lore ranks, it will now use effective lore ranks, which is calculated by determining if the spell is native to the caster. If the spell is not, then Major spell circles will apply a divisor of 2 and Profession spell circles will apply a divisor of 3. Mana Controls will also test nativity and apply a divisor of 2 to all outside casters (although Raise Dead (318) is exempt from this rule). Minor spell circles are not subject to this design. For example, if a Sorcerer was casting Bless Item (304) from a scroll, only 1/3 of their Spiritual Lore, Blessings lore ranks would count for the lore benefit. Enhancive items which grant spell knowledge do consider the caster as knowing the spell, so full lore ranks do count.
In addition, some spells were previously not providing the full documented spell duration when invoked from a magical item or an arcane symbol (especially Ranger spells). This has now been normalized for all spells.
GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly." - Michel de Montaigne
This message was originally posted in Magic Spells and Systems, Magic Systems. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/13/2008 1:19:57 PM
Wind and rain have kept many of the Mist Harbor merchants trapped in their homes and shops, the weather making it impossible to enjoy the normal summer and autumn fun that they would be partaking. As a result, each merchant has designed a variety of items that they are releasing to the public tonight! It is their joint hope that this display of their talents will encourage more adventurers to visit the Isle and buy their wares.
OOC: If you adjourn to the various Four Wind tents, Member's Only facilities, and Halls you will find that the transportation jewelry tables have been updated. Enjoy!
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Date: 10/13/2008 1:19:57 PM
Wind and rain have kept many of the Mist Harbor merchants trapped in their homes and shops, the weather making it impossible to enjoy the normal summer and autumn fun that they would be partaking. As a result, each merchant has designed a variety of items that they are releasing to the public tonight! It is their joint hope that this display of their talents will encourage more adventurers to visit the Isle and buy their wares.
OOC: If you adjourn to the various Four Wind tents, Member's Only facilities, and Halls you will find that the transportation jewelry tables have been updated. Enjoy!
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
(At this point, I tried to summon the crows, by doing a tribal dance in the barrows and singing "Heerre crowie crowie crowie. Oosh oosh." That didn't work.) -- Coyoterre
Ebon Gate -- Who is excited?!?!
Date: 10/9/2008 11:51:49 PM
Are you excited yet? I know I'm excited!!! I can't wait to see everyone running around like crazy, and having a great time.
We -really- appreciate your patience with the delay on the festival verb. Sometimes things happen, and we work to correct them as quickly as possible. Don't let that lack of information get you down! No losing steam before we even begin!
The other GMs and I have a lot of great surprises in store for all of you this year, but I suppose I can let a few things slip. And I do recall promising to let you know what I might be providing that would possibly effect certain professions, races, etc... So, in the spirit of keeping communication open between us, I'll list some of the special services that will be available this year. Please note: This is not everything, and there will be limited slots with random selection methods (raffle, spinners).
- Bard Sonics.
- Rotating flares for weapons 8x and below.
- Temporary banshee flares for shields 7x and below.
- Temporary crit padding (with stipulations)
- Temporary crit weighting (with stipulations)
- Cobbling things. (It's a surprise)
- Shield, armor, and armor accessory spikes.
- Prayerbead and religious jewelry unlocking.
- Metallic gown unlocking. (Yes, new scripts!)
- Lockmastery clasps and keyblanks.
Is this enough? ;)
But wait, there's more!
-- 2nd Annual Masquerade Ball. Your chance to dress up, dance, and win a great prize.
-- Costume contest! New this year! For those of you who would rather not wear a coat, or a ballgown. Show off your costume, and possibly win a prize for your efforts!
-- Storytelling competition. Bring us your spooky stories, songs, and poetry! Prizes for first, second, and third place!
Ask around. The prizes are well worth the effort!
Don't forget our yearly quest, and the many smaller contests, games, and role playing opportunities throughout the event!! And shopping. Who doesn't love shopping? ;)
I hope this glimpse into what's in store has caught your attention! Buy your ticket (or tickets) and come join the fun. Can't wait to see you there!
Gobble D. Cheeks approves of Turducken.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
Date: 10/9/2008 11:51:49 PM
Are you excited yet? I know I'm excited!!! I can't wait to see everyone running around like crazy, and having a great time.
We -really- appreciate your patience with the delay on the festival verb. Sometimes things happen, and we work to correct them as quickly as possible. Don't let that lack of information get you down! No losing steam before we even begin!
The other GMs and I have a lot of great surprises in store for all of you this year, but I suppose I can let a few things slip. And I do recall promising to let you know what I might be providing that would possibly effect certain professions, races, etc... So, in the spirit of keeping communication open between us, I'll list some of the special services that will be available this year. Please note: This is not everything, and there will be limited slots with random selection methods (raffle, spinners).
- Bard Sonics.
- Rotating flares for weapons 8x and below.
- Temporary banshee flares for shields 7x and below.
- Temporary crit padding (with stipulations)
- Temporary crit weighting (with stipulations)
- Cobbling things. (It's a surprise)
- Shield, armor, and armor accessory spikes.
- Prayerbead and religious jewelry unlocking.
- Metallic gown unlocking. (Yes, new scripts!)
- Lockmastery clasps and keyblanks.
Is this enough? ;)
But wait, there's more!
-- 2nd Annual Masquerade Ball. Your chance to dress up, dance, and win a great prize.
-- Costume contest! New this year! For those of you who would rather not wear a coat, or a ballgown. Show off your costume, and possibly win a prize for your efforts!
-- Storytelling competition. Bring us your spooky stories, songs, and poetry! Prizes for first, second, and third place!
Ask around. The prizes are well worth the effort!
Don't forget our yearly quest, and the many smaller contests, games, and role playing opportunities throughout the event!! And shopping. Who doesn't love shopping? ;)
I hope this glimpse into what's in store has caught your attention! Buy your ticket (or tickets) and come join the fun. Can't wait to see you there!
Gobble D. Cheeks approves of Turducken.
This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.