Ta'Vaalor Happenings

Author: GS4-ALYIAS
Date: 10/23/2008 1:47:50 PM

>>I was wondering if anyone was going to bring up ol'Ansel :-)

Speaking of that, the Ansel system *didn't* go off like it was supposed to, so there was a bit more damage than there should have been. Plus there's investigations now as to why it didn't go off. Love and happiness is not at the workplace now.

So, first things second, the Guardian Keep opening and ball, along with the rest of my plans, is not cancelled. With EG here, I certainly don't want to run a ball at the same time, so I expect to it afterwards (likely the middle of November). Also, I suspect I will not be able to do it all in one weekend like I had originally planned, so likely the Platinum ball will come first, with the Prime one a week after that. Things are still up in the air, so please do be patient, and I'll post dates as soon as I can nail them down.

Regarding happenings around Vaalor, my current situation is going to put a crimp in it. I'm going to try very hard to timely continue the current storyline lead-ins (Yes, there IS one. Chatter on the boards to keep everyone interested!), and to continue to work on my planned releases, but again, please be patient. They will happen, just not on the timeframe I originally wanted to do them in.

Many thanks to you all.


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