Bounty System Changes

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 9/11/2006 3:43:03 PM

The following changes to the Adventurer's Guild have been implemented:

- Experience rewards from successfully completed tasks will no longer continue stacking after the player has reached the saturated experience level. Reaching saturation is still possible, but until enough field experience has been absorbed to bring the player back down to the normally obtainable field experience levels, completing further bounty tasks will no longer result in further experience being added. Bounty points, fame, and silver will continue to accrue as normal.

- Players who have been assigned the Procure Gems bounty tasks will now receive a modifier that increases their chances of finding the particular gem that they have been tasked. This modifier is temporary, it only lasts until enough gems have been found to complete the given task and is only applicable if the player can learn from the creature being searched.

- Players are now able to request the possibility of being assigned easier or harder tasks than normal (i.e. tasks that may involve creatures outside of the standard [Level +/-5] band). Asking for easier tasks can modify the lower end of the band from -5 to -9 (in increments of -1). However, each level that the minimum level is lowered results in a 15% penalty to all bounty system task rewards (i.e. 15% at -6, 30% at -7, 45% at -8, and 60% at -9). Asking for harder tasks can modify the higher end of the band from +5 to +10 (in increment of +1). There is no reward adjustment for asking for harder tasks. You cannot ask for both harder tasks and easier tasks at the same time. Syntax for requesting harder/easier tasks is: ASK [taskmaster] FOR [EASIERHARDER] TASKS.

- The Escort NPC task has been modified to significantly reduce the number of times that the player will be asked to escort their NPC clear across the continent. Such trips are still possible, but it is more likely that the NPC will want to go to a neighbouring town than not.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below.