Lockshops of the Lands Renovated

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 9/11/2006 10:47:02 AM


The Lockshop Owners of Elanthia have collectively decided to renovate their shops. These renovations will mostly affect Stormfront users who can now use the Point and Click option to purchase lockpicks and other merchandise.

Lockshop discounts will henceforth be figured the same way other town merchants calculate their discounts. This means some people may find they pay less, others (Dark Elves without any Trading skills, for example) will pay more.

GM Fazli is proud to announce this Lockshop upgrade is his work, unless you are a Dark Elf without Trading Skills. If you are a Dark Elf without trading skills, GM Fazli would like you to know he had nothing to do with this at all.


~ Croe ~

This message was originally posted in Rogues, Locksmithing and Traps. To discuss the above follow the link below.