Ebon Gate Auction: Platinum

Date: 10/18/2006 9:43:59 AM

The eccentric collectors that lived in the tower on Tower Hill have opened their family heirlooms and collection to the visitors of Velathae for a glorious auction!

Since they cannot bring their wondrous possessions through the Ebon Gate, they have decided to disperse the collection to those who gain entrance into the Tower for the auctions over the weekend. Some say that this is a means to uncurse the family for their greed and unsavory collection practices. The Tower Hill family collection was extremely well known during its time and for many years after, but it was also filled with whispered rumors of theft and unfair gain.

Each ticket holder will receive a Tower Hill Auction Token to use in the two event areas: Raffle and Auction (silvers). In the raffle area, the items are raffled off to the individuals who submit their tokens for a particular item. The auction area is for those who want to attempt to win the item with silvers by submitting their token for a chance to participate in the auctioning of an item.

The winner will walk away with their high quality item and those that did not win may reuse their token to try their luck again. If for any reason one of the visitors is unhappy with their item, they are able to exchange the item with one of the consolation prizes during the remainder of the event.

Consolation Prizes:
1. Alteration scroll
2. Feature alteration
3. 500 premium points
4. Mayhem tattoo
5. Enhancive item recharging

The auction will take place over the opening weekend of Ebon Gate. Half of the auction items will be released on Feastday (Saturday) and half on Restday (Sunday). The auctioneers will begin each day at 12:00 Elven (noon EST) and cycle through the batch until all items have been auctioned. Items will move quickly, so do not miss out!


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------


---------- Due to the length of this part, please go here for the list. ----------

Currently, there are 120 auction items listed for Platinum. Each ticket holder is guaranteed to win one item. Due to the fact that there are 108 tickets sold as of today, we may not get through all 120 items listed.

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.
