New High Level Hunting Ground on Teras Isle.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/15/2006 11:23:20 PM

The ruined temple of Nelemar was released this weekend, housing a host of ten new creatures, spanning in level from 92 to 105. Sirens, water elementals, and various tritons creep the halls of the once guardian temple of the Fier'Dracus. Two of the creatures, the spectral triton defenders and ethereal triton sentries, are undead.

The way to the temple can be found down the incline on the south end of the Fhorian Village outside of Kharam-Dzu. A significant number of Swimming ranks is highly recommended to maneuver to and around the area. The creatures themselves have many new unique and varied abilities, so caution is advised.

The efforts of many GameMasters went into the preparation and release of the area, and I would like to thank them all. First off, Warden for the concept and review of the creatures. Secondly, Hadlir and Aiza for the creation of the area itself, as well as Strathspey for the coding behind the sirens and water elementals. I'd also like to thank Gyres, Voraviel, Liia, and Varulv for their parts in the release event. Finally, Croe for her announcements keeping everyone informed of the event.


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