EG Auction - Frequently Asked Questions

Author: GS4-GYRES
Date: 10/28/2006 11:21:35 AM

After noticing a lot of people asking the same questions over and over in the EG chat room, we decided to throw up some information here for ease of understanding.

Q: When do the auctions start?
A: Noon EST, saturday and sunday.

Q: Where are the auctions being held?
A: There are two rooms on the first floor the Tower on top of the hill in the center of the festival grounds that have been specifically set aside for the auctions. The token room is the Azure Chamber and is located on the north side of the tower, through the iron-studded door. The silvers room is the Jade Chamber and is located on the south side of the tower, through the iron-studded door.

Q: How long are the auctions going to run each day?
A: As long as it takes to get all the items scheduled for that day in the hands of the players.

Q: Why does it say 'Also here: nobody important'? Why can't I talk in the auction rooms?
A: We've silenced the auction rooms to keep distracting noise down and also to lower the chances of lag due to so many people in a room at once. You can still whisper amongst yourselves.

Q: How do we bid on items?
A: In the tokens room, once bidding on an item has been opened, simply BID to cast your token against the lot. If you change your mind before bidding is closed, simply WITHDRAW and your token will be withdrawn.

In the silvers room, once bidding on an item has been opened, you can BID . You cannot withdraw a silver bid once it has been made.

Q: Can I see what's up for bid? Can I see what's up for bid in the silvers room if I'm in the token room, and vice versa?
A: There's a list posted on the lectern in each auction room. If you LOOK LIST, you'll see a lot of information.

The listing under 'In storage:' is what's currently in a storage chest and pending auction on Sunday. The listing under 'Items currently in the chest:' is what was most recently pulled from today's auction items and will be going out shortly. Immediately after that is the number of items left to go out today in that room.

After these are what's currently up for bid in both the room you're in and the other auction room. Word to the wise - if you have things going in both rooms that you want to bid on, keep a close eye on the end of that list.

You can also look at the items in the storage chest in the room you're in to see what they look like, and look at the item currently on the display table in the room you're in as well.

Q: Where do I pick up my token? I'm confused.
A: Your token is virtual. If you bought an auction ticket, you're assumed to have a token merely by existing. Once you win an item in either room, your token is gone, and you'll no longer be able to bid on an item in either room.

Q: Do I have to have my silver on me to bid in the silvers room?
A: You most definitely do. Notes work, silvers work, but banks, alternate characters, and your friend Joe do not. If you do not have the money on your person when you attempt to bid on an item in the silvers room, you will be unable to bid and may miss your chance.

Q: I won an item! Now what do I do?
A: Your item will be placed under the display table once you've won it. Only you and the auctioneer will be able to pick it up. Take it promptly so things don't pile up, and if you cannot handle the item for some reason (you're too low level to pick up the vultite sword you just won, for instance), whisper to the auctioneer letting them know and they'll put it in a sack for you.


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.