Unofficial Ebon Gate Chat Reminder

Author: GS4-NAOS
Date: 10/27/2006 9:25:32 AM

The Ebon Gate event opens tonight in GemStone Prime, and the unoffficial EG chat is waiting!

Need a common place to gather, discuss event happenings, hunt for merchants, or puzzle over merchandise properties? Just want to chat with others while waiting for merchant services or takng a breather? Well, here you are! Don't be afraid to join us, we don't bite! Perhaps we can break 200 people at once, this year!

A web client is available at which requires nothing more than a web browser to use. This client is provided as a convenience, but is known to be unreliable, and the use of a dedicated IRC client is seriously suggested.

For those of you with IRC clients, or a preference for something other than the web client, you may connect to on port 6667 and join the #EbonGate channel. The URL irc:// should also lead you to the chat assuming you have an appropriate client installed which handles the IRC protocol.

For anyone who does have an IRC client, and would like to get one, I could suggest visiting for Windows users, or for Windows, MacOS X or Unix/Linux/BSD users.

As a final note, please remember that this chat is NOT officially supported by Simutronics, and is provided as a convenience by me as a member of this excellent community. Please be courteous to your fellow chatters, be they player or staff, and have an excellent Ebon Gate!


This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.