Fire Elemental Hints at the Fier'Dracus' Fate

Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 10/15/2006 9:40:48 AM

An unconfirmed report states the scholar Mavalgnus and his band of researchers recently summoned a massive, blazing fire elemental, seeking information on the fate of the remaining pieces of the Fier'Dracus.

The elemental, under threat of eternal confinement, whispered to Mavalgnus and his band, that the Flame that Never Dies had been reclaimed by the elemental beings and fiery vengeance taken upon those who had held it, burning their halls.

Encouraged by this new information the scholars have returned to their tomes, seeking the location of the conflagration.

The progress of these endeavors is being followed on the boards of Kharam Dzu.