Author: GS4-CROE
Date: 10/15/2006 6:21:42 PM
Erakaya and Sarise, two scholars working to discern the fate the Fier'Dracus from its guardians, have traced the shards of the gem to a temple submerged off the shores of the Fhorian Village.
The two startled scholars, in the company of Mavalgnus and others, drew the notice of Nelemar, greatest of all known water elementals, with their summoning ritual.
Rising from a whirlpool, Nelemar deigned to speak to those assembled upon the beach, telling them the tale of the temple which once harbored the Fier'Dracus.
Nelemar says that the gem has been found, only to be lost again, throughout history. In days past there was a band of people, dedicated to Nelemar who built him a great temple near the sea on Teras Island. These people kept the Fier'Dracus, in their place of worship, guarding it from the fire elementals.
Drawn by its latent power, the elementals searched for the gem, discovering its place of concealment. Fiercely angry, the fire elementals overwhelmed the temple's inhabitants, consuming all they could in a massive inferno.
Nelemar took his now ravaged house of worship and sunk it beneath the seas where it became a favorite haunt of lesser water elementals. Nelemar indicated that he had no objection to Terasian land dwellers exploring his temple, but cautioned that the environment, and the lesser elementals dwelling within, might prove less than hospitable.
Adventurers of even the greatest skill are cautioned to proceed with care.
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