Assume Aspect (650) Update: Aspect of the Spider.

Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 5/22/2007 7:35:57 PM

Ahndo Maeza, last seen after the events two years ago that led to the release of the Assume Aspect spell, returned this evening with Sasheto, a member of an Imaeran organization known as the Keepers of the Earth.

Recent abnormal arachnid activity allowed the group to formulate an augmentation to the spell, through intensive study and blessings from Imaera.

Together, the two were able to release the fruits of the Keepers' labor, so that all could benefit from their devotional tribute.

The Assume Aspect spell has been updated with a new facet, the Aspect of the Spider. The aspect bestows a bonus to Climbing ranks, as well as some benefits when casting Web (118). When attempting to web an individual, the Target Defense (TD) of the target is reduced by 50, as opposed to the standard 25. When casting an area web, its duration and snare charges are both doubled.

The Climbing benefits follow the same scheme as skill boosts from other aspects: base 20, +1 at 2 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning to a maximum of an additional +12 at 90 ranks. The Web benefits are not modified by lore training.


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