Dateline 5/28/2007: ESP UPDATE

Author: GS4-ALYIAS
Date: 5/29/2007 10:02:34 AM

GemStone has expanded the variety of ESP verbs, commands, and channels available to players. In addition, the commonly used crystal amulets that are used to extend ones mind to the thoughts of others have changed, and interact with thoughts and people differently than in the past.

A list of ESP Channel commands may be found in game by typing ESP and ESP COMMANDS. Following is a detailed explanation of those commands and how these they can enhance your ability to contact others.

Using the THINK command you can send your thoughts either to everyone (within range) on a particular thought channel or target your thoughts towards a specific individual or group. The expanded thought channel options include:

General - For speaking to people in your general geographic area

Merchant - For selling items to people in your general geographic area

Guild - To keep in touch with members of your profession in your general geographic area

Friends - To turn into your private "friends" only thought network. People who have befriended each other at level neutral or above have the ability to create a private network via a channel named after themselves. This channel can only be joined by people who are both befriended by the owner and befriend the owner as well (neutral or higher). This network is hidden from people who have not befriended and been befriended as such.

Houses and Halls - Officially inducted members of a Great House (CHE) or Hall (PRO) can think to fellow members anywhere in Elanthia.

To see which of the above options is available to your character, as well as how to send thoughts, type ESP COMMANDS.

The ESP verb lists all the available settings for the ESP system. If you believe you will use one of your channel options more than the others, you may wish set that option as your DEFAULT. To do this, type ESP DEFAULT . When you type THINK your thoughts will automatically go out to the selected channel, unless you utilize THINK ON to redirect them.

Premium members will receive notification when befriended players (neutral or higher) become available on an ESP channel they are tuned into. In addition, you can locate the people who are reachable via the thought network by typing THINK WHO . If you target a player for your thoughts and that player is unable to hear you, you will receive a failure message.
If this is too much thinking for you and you decide to avoid the thoughts of a specific person or group use ESP IGNORE HELP learn how to keep various thoughts from your mind. There are also a number of cosmetic options available via ESP OPTION HELP. Premium users have a option that will allow them to select a HIDDEN ON CHANNEL setting. This setting will hide your presence, either globally (if you select the global option), or on the channel you select. This means your name will not be listed when other players use the ESP WHO option.
THere are a number of cosmetic options available to you as well under ESP OPTION HELP. They are:

Hidden on Channel Setting: This setting will hide your presence on either globally (if you select the global option) or on the channel you select. Your name will not be listed when other players use the ESP WHO option. This option is only available to premium accounts.

Show Friends Setting: This setting will notify you when your friends (as listed in BEFRIEND) presence becomes available on any ESP channel you may be tuned into. Note that your friends hidden settings preempt this setting. This option is only available to premium accounts.

Unique Windows Setting: This setting will seperate all of your ESP channels into different) windows in the StormFront Front End.
Compress Headers Setting: This setting will compress the headers of any ESP messages recieved,) resulting in the message being less verbose and more sleek.

Process Ignores Setting: This setting will process any personal ignore lists you have set up via ESP IGNORE or the "Ignore Preferences" link in the ESP command box. Please see ESP IGNORE HELP for further information.

Ignore Channel Setting: This setting will process any channel ignore options you have set up via THINK IGNORE or the "Ignore Preferences" link in the ESP command box. Please see THINK IGNORE HELP for further information.

Regarding the Stormfront windows, if you belong to more than one Hall (PRO) any options you select will affect the settings of every Hall you are a member of.

Please direct any questions, comments, or concerns to

This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, ESP 2.0 - The Amulet Reborn. To discuss the above follow the link below.