Calling all scholars...

Author: GS4-XAYLE
Date: 5/14/2007 9:14:02 PM

Calling all scholars and leaders of academia:

At this year's Lumnea Festival, there will be a symposium on the evolution of elven culture. Entrants are limited to those of pure elven heritage. Faendryl and half-elves may not enter. This is not to be mistaken as a recitation of history lessons. These compositions are to be original in nature, though it is acceptable to use published works as references. This is an exercise in and a celebration of knowledge and academics purely for their own sakes.

Any aspect of elven culture you wish to explore is acceptable and submissions must be in by the 4th of Lumnea. You must include in your submission your name, given profession, the title of your presentation, and a copy of the presentation in its entirety. These performances should be no longer than fifteen minutes in length.
Out of all the submissions, nine will be chosen to give their lectures at the symposium and will be judged by a council of three elven scholars. With consideration to execution, academic relevance, and creativity, the judges will select three winners.

These winners will receive bound copies of their lectures, as well as a token of appreciation, which will be presented in a formal ceremony.

Please drop your submission scrolls off at the Aies Library in Ta'Illistim.


Ayimare Chaaniela, Scholar of House Ta'Illistim

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