Author: GS4-XAYLE
Date: 5/14/2007 9:17:33 PM
In reference to the knowledge symposium at the Lumnea festival, let me get the direly important official-type announcements out of the way.
These presentations, lectures, performances, etc, are for CREATIVE purposes only and will NOT be considered as OFFICIAL documentation, nor will they be added to the cannon of OFFICIAL documentation.
Now that that's out of the way...
All entrants must be of pure elven heritage, no dark elves or half-elves, puhleeze. You can choose any aspect of elven culture you like, from style of dress to religion to military. Whatever strikes your fancy. These, however, are to be academic in nature, so approach them as you would a term paper. You have a point, you have evidence/hypothesis to support the point, and you have an overall conclusion. You can USE official documentation as references for your works, but again, your works themselves will NOT be considered OFFICIAL in any way. (My sponsors will flog me if I don't use capitalization). Be creative. Dazzle us with your deep ponderings of elvish nature, society, and culture. Creativity in concert with official documentation is what I'm looking for.
A lecture might be something like a commentary about the evolution of elven religion, a comparison between any facet of two or more cultures, or an examination of any given system of ethics. Presentations might include history and demonstrations of rituals, a modeling and explanation of the significance of cultural dress/ornamentation/crests/etc, or an examination of the impact of various celestial events on the aspects of daily life. Some aspect of elven culture should be involved in each presentation.
These are due by June 4th and should not be dropped off at the Aies Library, but rather should be dropped in my mailbox ( Once all the submissions are in, they?ll be narrowed down to 9, and those 9 will be announced. Submissions should include your character's name, race, title of the presentation, a complete run-down of the presentation (from what will be spoken to a detailed outline of any rituals or demonstrations to be performed, and they should be IC in nature), and whether or not the event would need to take place at night (in the case of a celestial type of presentation). Submissions received after the due date will automatically be excluded.
Any questions can be directed to the above address.
Happy ponderings,
~ X.
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