Aid in the struggle against the Grimswarm?

Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 2/22/2008 4:34:38 PM

In the face of increasingly effective hit-and-run tactics by the Grimswarm, the human and Vaalor armies have decided give up their fruitless and costly attempt to engage the Grimswarm in open combat, and to pull back the majority of their forces into their most heavily guarded towns and fortresses. As such, large swathes of the countryside have effectively been ceded to the Grimswarm. On those lands, reports from adventurers and other hardy souls have indicated that the Grimswarm has started to move beyond nomadic raiding and is apparently beginning to lay claim to lands and to start what appears to be long-term settlement.

All hope is not lost, however, as several representatives from an organization called the Guardians of Sunfist have visited towns on both sides of the DragonSpine to offer their aid in the struggle against the Grimswarm. These individuals claim that the ability of the Grimswarm to move about undetected and strike from hidden staging grounds is due to the Grimswarm's recent mastery of powerful shrouding magic. The Grimswarm has since used that magic to escape from their old lairs in the DragonSpine and freely pillage the rich human and elven lands.

Fortunately, the Guardians of Sunfist claim to have developed a method that can temporarily pierce the magical shrouds that surround the Grimswarm's encampments. They have successfully demonstrated this technique on several occasions, which has allowed intrepid adventurers to enter and destroy Grimswarm warcamps near Ta'Illistim and Wehnimer's Landing. Talks between the Guardians of Sunfist and the various town and imperial governments have commenced, with the hope that the techniques of the Guardians of Sunfist could be taught to beleaguered human and elven armies, and thus turn the tide of the war.


This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, The Guardians of Sunfist. To discuss the above follow the link below.