March Rent for Wehnimer's Player Shops

Date: 2/22/2008 11:11:38 AM

At the beginning of February, a bug caused some players with Wehnimer's player shops were double-charged for their stores. This resulted in the inadvertent repossession of some player shops and lower-than-usual balances in others. Per previous announcements, players affected by this bug were asked to ASSIST so that their shops could be replaced or the extra charges be refunded.

The February issue with Wehnimer's player shops has been addressed and fixed, but the March rent deadline is swiftly approaching. Some players may still be unaware of double-charged shop balances. Please check to ensure that your balance is sufficient to pay for your March rent.

You are still encouraged to ASSIST if you were previously double-charged for your Wehnimer's player shop at the February deadline.


This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Player-Run Shops. To discuss the above follow the link below.